Rosie Griffith was approved as Chair for the meeting
20/07. Discussion with Wroughton BMX (WBMX)
Key points noted:
- Scooters will damage a BMX track. If a track is built to allow scooters as well it can compromise the angle of jumps for bike users
- Mixed usage can prompt H&S issues
- Skate parks cost more and can have negative connotations
- Dirt tracks erode easily. Need a lot of maintenance
- Perhaps have a different type of track to compliment the Wroughton one, not be in direct competition.
- Landfill Community grant is a good source of funding. Wroughton track cost around £50,000 and £40,000 of that was from the landfill grant
- Also got funds from Tesco tokens, Science Museum Solar farm fund, Parish Council donated a small amount, crowd funding, local events. Also try British Cycling.
- Saved a large amount of funds by using building waste to build the track.
- WBMX getting flood lights installed for theirs.
- Gladys Barr is a good contact for funding sources
- WBMX can provide us with contacts for quotes
- Don’t use a playground company, use a track specific company. Visit tracks and find out who built them
- There was a timeline on how they approached this. Jennifer is going to email this over so CBMX can use it.
- They will provide the survey link they used in order to get public feedback and support
- WBMX didn’t need planning permission as already on Rec land and wasn’t over 2 metres tall.
- 3 years total project time due to delays. Maybe take 2 years average.
- WPC Play area inspectors inspect the BMX site too.
- Consideration for grass cutting – who can cut the steep banks.
- Site inspected weekly.
- WBMX site is 40×55 metres. This is minimum size for a decent track
Ben and Jennifer leave the meeting at 21.03
20/08 Approval of minutes from 8/10/2020
No changes and minutes were approved as accurate
20/09 Action Point review.
Mr D Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options. Follow up in December
20/06 Contact Wroughton cycle track user for information. Follow up in December
Ms E Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities. Not done. Will do after November meeting with WBMX information
20/06 Investigate track near where she used to live. Done. Found that heavy rain can cause landslips so sites are closed for months. Earth tracks are not a good option.
20/05 Ask Mrs R Griffith for any potential sites for the track. Done. To be discussed on this agenda.
20/05 Contact landowner in regards to land behind Washpool. Done – no reply yet. Will chase
20/06 Add item to Oct EGPA agenda to change sub-committee to working party. Done and approved by Committee
20/06 Add item to Nov Full Council agenda ref Clerks time for the working party. Done. On Nov 9th agenda.
20/06 Write to Swindon College. Done but no reply. Will try again
20/06 Ask Wroughton BMX group if anyone can share timeline information with us. Done.
20/06 Re-write TOR document for a working party. Done, on this agenda
Cllr P Sunners
20/06 Contact Mrs R Griffith ref funding options. Closed action – not required.
20/09. Approval of group Terms of Reference as a working party
Change document point 1b to show that the group will not dissolve if they can demonstrate suitable progress and likely completion after 2 years.
All attendees were in agreement that the TOR document was accurate with this amendment.
Mr Sunners left the meeting 21.21
20/10 Key points to discuss and progress:
The land adjacent to the Farm Shop and carpark was suggested as a good location. This is managed by Sustrans. Need to find out who owns it.
The Clerk is to chase up the Estate with regards to land at the back of Washpool near the water treatment works.
The Rec ground may be too small and too close to residents however it does have the advantage of already being a recreation area.
It was decided that the group does need to determine a location before further work is done. It was agreed it would be primarily for local children to use, and not a “destination site” where people travel to use it.
Emily Gravestock is to access an image of the area so that Rosie Griffith can plot the potential sites for pro’s and con’s.
It was decided that the rest of the agenda items listed should be deferred until a suitable location is decided upon on and initial permission granted from relevant stakeholders.
20/11. Items for next agenda
All group members to send Clerk their available dates for the December meeting.
The meeting closed at 21.45
Mr D Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options
20/06 Contact Wroughton cycle track user for information
Ms E Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities
20/10 Send an image of the parish to Rosie Griffiths so a list of sites can be mapped out.
20/09 Update TOR with required changes.
20/05 Contact landowner in regards to land behind Washpool
20/06 Write to Swindon College again.
20/10 Find out from Sustrans who owns the land near the Farm Shop
Rosie Griffith
20/10 Map out all potential sites with any pro’s and con’s listed.
20/11 Send Clerk a list of dates in December they can make for the next meeting