20/01. Election of Chairman for the Sub-committee
Cllr Harris proposed that Mr Blackstock be sub-committee Chairman. There were no other nominations.
Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
20/02. Election of Vice Chairman for the Sub-committee (Optional)
It was decided that no VC was required at this stage.
20/03 Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations.
Public recess.
No public
There were no minutes to approve or action points to review
20/04. Review and vote on Terms of Reference for the Sub-committee
Cllr Sunners proposed that these TOR’s be accepted. Cllr Harris seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
Cllr Harris leaves at 18.56
20/05 Key points to discuss and progress:
- Agreed that location was a sensitive issue. Clerk to ask Mrs R Griffith if she has any ideas for the next meeting.
- The land near the water treatment plant at the end of Washpool was suggested as the site with the best potential. The Clerk is to approach the landowner to discuss their feelings on this land being leased/gifted/sold.
- It was suggested to look on-line at the track at Stroud as a good example. 218 metres long on land 80 metres wide.
Grants and Funding
- To look at National Lottery, Sports England and local Landfill funds such as Crapper and Sons.
- Mr D Blackstock is to investigate funding options.
Track Specification
- General age range to be between 7-16 year olds.
Public Engagement
- Children in the age range need to be surveyed to see if they want a track and what kind of thing they are looking for. Target bus stops for school, school surveys, outside Spar, Scouts etc. Need to time the survey right so that expectations are managed. Need to encourage adults to participate in survey also.
- Mrs E Blackstock is to draw up a timeline of events.
20/06. Items for next agenda
An agenda item is to be added to the October EGPA meeting to re-format this sub-committee as an independent working party called “BMX Chiseldon”.
The next meeting date was agreed for Tues 3rd November 8.00pm via MS Teams
The Clerks is to write to Swindon College to see if there is a student who would like to Project Manage this plan. Ms E Gravestock is happy to be a point of contact for further information.
Add to next Full Council agenda the request that the Clerks time (max 2 hours per month) be allotted to assisting the group with agendas, minutes and investigative work.
Clerk to ask if anyone from the Wroughton Group can talk to us about their timeline. The Wroughton group has a FB page that members can join.
Ms E Gravestock to investigate a track near where she used to live.
Mr D Blackstock to contact a regular user of the Wroughton track for cycle training for information.
Cllr P Sunners to contact Ms R Griffith with regards to funding
Clerk to re-write TOR document to be relevant for a working party.
The meeting closed at 19.58
Mr D Blackstock
20/05 Investigate funding options
20/06 Contact Wroughton cycle track user for information
Ms E Gravestock
20/05 Draw up a timeline of required activities
20/06 Investigate track near where she used to live
20/05 Ask Mrs R Griffith for any potential sites for the track
20/05 Contact landowner in regards to land behind Washpool
20/06 Add item to Oct EGPA agenda to change sub-committee to working party
20/06 Add item to Nov Full Council agenda ref Clerks time for the working party.
20/06 Write to Swindon College
20/06 Ask Wroughton BMX group if anyone can share timeline information with us
20/06 Re-write TOR document for a working party
Cllr P Sunners
20/06 Contact Mrs R Griffith ref funding options