Declarations of interest: None

Public recess: No public

16/34. Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on 24th October 2016.

No amendments.

The minutes of the meeting held on 24th October 2016 were then approved on a proposal by SB and seconded by CB; all at the meeting were in favour.

16/35. Matters arising


16/36. Action Points

CB and Clerk – 16/12 – Need 1 further quote for CCTV

CB – 16/31 – Clerks salary band – ongoing checks are being made

PW – 16/28 – confirmed that approved quote for Rec Hall floor didn’t include new floor covering.

All other actions completed.

16/37. Review draft precept for 2017/18 and approve

MH shared a spreadsheet outlining the final precept figures for 2017/18.

A 10K final figure for works for the Rec Hall was approved. It was decided that a further £10K would be put aside each year for the next 6 years to help us provide new facilities, with additional funding from grants. A further £5K was put aside for unexpected issues along with £4K for the parishing allowance.

This will take the total precept for 2017/18 to £105K, which is an approximate increase of 30% from last year.

As this goes over the £100K threshold with SBC, the Clerk has an action to find out what extra information SBC require.

It was also noted that we need to ensure that SBC do not deduct funds from our reserves due to Badbury Park being removed from the Parish. Badbury Park figures were never incorporated into the precept therefore the Parish Council were never allocated any funds from the area.

The budget was approved on a proposal by PW, seconded by CB and all those at the meeting in favour.

16/38. Review Accounts

None to review

16/39 – History Society request for funds for visual display board.

It was proposed we offer 50% funding match, dependant on the history society raising funds as well. This is to be capped at £750.00. This was proposed by PW, seconded by CB and all those at the meeting in favour.

16/40 Clerks Salary

This is to be carried over to the next Finance meeting as more work is required on establishing the correct salary band. The amount is to be back dated if appropriate.

16/41. Agree budget for traffic calming survey

It was agreed that a new subcommittee should be formed to explore this project as we need to understand the processes involved.

Highways England have said we have the right to have an independent consultant who will work in line with SBC. They will email CB an accredited list of companies.

Highways England will provide an advisor for this as it involves the whole parish. They can visit us in 2017.

There is already £10K in the budget for planning and legal consultants for 2017/18 therefore, there is no need to budget any extra.

16/42 – Budget for Rec Hall

This had already been discussed as part of item 16/37 so it was decided to move on.

16/43. Any other Business

It was agreed the Clerk should purchase the Arnold Baker Clerks’ handbook out of expenses monies as this was required to conduct the Clerk’s role effectively.

The invoice for WARP Morgan Tree surgery was presented to the Committee. It was felt we cannot pay the full invoice as works up to March 2017 had not yet been carried out. The Committee are happy for work carried out so far to be invoiced for payment.
CB is to relay this back to Claire Maycock

Date of next meeting: Thursday 15th December at 6.45 at the Old Chapel.

Meeting closed at 20.20