17/81 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Henderson’s son will be attending Chiseldon Primary School which has an open planning application on the agenda.
17/82 Public recess
Mr Joe Hines the owner of Whichway Cottage in Badbury wanted to introduce himself to the Committee and advise that he is planning on living in the cottage with his family. He is currently submitting amended plans to SBC for the development of the cottage. Cllr Brady advised Mr Hines to re-visit the committee when the plans were next included on an agenda for discussion and vote.
17/83 Minutes of meeting of 21st December 2017
No changes
The minutes were proposed as an accurate representation by Cllr Henderson; seconded by Cllr Costigan and all those present at the meeting were in favour.
17/84 Matters arising and action points
Matters arising
Action Points
- 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. REQUESTED INFO. AWAITING REPLY
- 17/78. Ask why Christmas Cottage application is still outstanding. DONE. OWNER HAD SUBMITTED AMENDED PLANS
- 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans. REQUESTED INFO. AWAITING REPLY
- 17/78. Follow up with Cllr Harris and Cllr West to ask them to start creating their on-line data gathering tool for transport issues. SENT A REQUEST TO START THE PROJECT
- 17/78. Create document for the 6 priority transport issues within the parish. ONGOING
- 17/79. Send back comments on the Transport Requirements for Development document. DONE
- 17/80. Report to SBC that laybys at New Road and verges on Castle View Road are churned up and need repairing. DONE
- 17/80. The pre-stop sign at Burderop junction needs moving to a better location – report to SBC. REPORTED
- 17/80. Lighting at A346 Badbury side of bus stop needs improving – report to SBC. REPORTED
- 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. Cllr Henderson to get a photo of the location. ONGOING
Cllr Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. ONGOING – AS REQUIRED
Cllr Harris & West:
- 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee. ONGOING
Cllr Brady enquired whether the PC can do the work on the verges and invoice it back to SBC. The Clerk is going to enquire.
17/85 Planning. Sarah Screen from SBC – Presentation on CIL and S106 funds
Sarah advised the committee that S106 is still in operation, but is being scaled back. CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) is the new mechanism. It pulls all items together and has a cumulative impact. This is why S106 is being scaled back.
S106 funds can be used for items such as affordable housing, pedestrian crossings, local open spaces. For smaller developments there are restrictions – 10 or less dwellings, or under 1000sq meters of floor space. There have only been 13 S106 relevant sites since 2015 within the borough.
CIL will affect any live application regardless of the date the application was submitted or approved.
Commonhead is still eligible to pay S106. However some items were stripped from Commonhead as it went through the appeal process. Sarah would need to check what was covered and report back.
S106 funds need to be specified in advance for how the funds are spent, CIL does not need to be.
CIL can be spent anywhere in the borough.
Parish Councils cannot affect how much CIL is charged. The Neighbourhood portion is transferred to PC’s.
PC’s get 15% of the funds, or 25% if there is an adopted Neighbourhood plan.
There are regulations that control how the funds are spent but the criteria is broad.
If the land gain is under 100sq meters the build is exempt from paying.
If the land gain is over 100sq meters then self builders can apply for self exemption.~
Plots within gardens and annexs are also exempt.
The Manor House development in Chiseldon was liable for S106 payments which have been paid but Sarah doesn’t believe they have to pay any CIL.
From now on, any new development would fall under CIL regulations.
SBC will issue a liability notice for the amount of CIL payable. Once work commences a demand issue would be sent detailing a payment date. Payments by instalments may be permitted.
The PC would get 15% of the total payment or of any instalments paid.
Burderop Park is subject to a CIL payment. Sarah will advise the Clerk of further details of this. It is not known if there is a large nett gain in floor space.
It is only possible to get 25% of the CIL payment with a full adopted Neighbourhood plan.
It was noted by the committee that the Burderop Park development are setting the costs of the listed buildings against their S106 payment and the developers at Badbury Park have had funds taken off their CIL payments after advising that the development cost more than planned.
(The member of the public left at 20.00)
Funds are transferred twice a year in arrears. 1st April to 30th Sept are transferred by end of October within the same year.
October to March are transferred by end of April in the following financial year.
Chiseldon parish is within residential zone 2 which is £67. Per sq meter.
There are no funds due to CPC at the moment.
There is no way for developers to not pay CIL.
Sarah will email the Clerk to update her on some queries with sites listed above within the parish.
Sarah commented that it is useful to know what the PC current have and currently need. This way the council is prepared when any CIL funds are released.
Sarah is to send an electronic version of the presentation over to the Clerk.
Sarah left the meeting at 20.16
17/86 Planning. Matt Moore from the Science Museum Group
Matt Moore was attending the meeting to advise on the background of the Wroughton Science Facility and the planning application that has been submitted to SBC.
The Science Museum Group included various museums around the country.
The current facility in Wroughton suspended visits in 2009 due to the lack of infrastructure. There are 545 acres on site used for research and storage purposes.
Their project is “ONE Collection” which aims to put all their collections together into 1 national collection.
They are having to vacate their storage site in London.
Their plan is to build a new storage facility on site and move the existing items that are there to the new hanger. The old hangers are falling apart.
The new building will have a 2600 sq meter footprint and house 80% of the collection.
It will be lower than the existing buildings and is to be designed as a storage area. It will have an outside design to help it blend into the surroundings.
It will have a mezzanine floor for extra space and also be open to visitors. They aim for 15000 local visitors a year. They will run pre-booked guides tours and also school visits. All information held will be digitized.
Application currently with SBC
Will go to the April/May 2018 planning committee
Discharge planning conditions June to Sept 18
Construction hopefully starts Sept 18 to finish Dec 19
They will re-use the existing hangers for other purposes.
Cllr Clarke leaves the meeting 20.42
17/87 Planning. 17 Badbury amended applications
The committee found it difficult to clearly see the amendments made to the plans. The Clerk is to go back to SBC Conservation officer to ask about what has changed and to request an extension.
The application will be moved to another meeting to discuss and vote.
17/88 Planning. 26 Carisbrook Terrace
The committee had no problem with the submitted application.
It was proposed “No objection” be sent back with regards to these plans.
The comments were approved on a proposal by Cllr Harris, seconded by Cllr Costigan and all Cllrs at the meeting in favour.
17/89 Planning. Chsieldon Primary School
There was some concern over the bright colours being close to the Conservation area, but after discussion it was proposed “No objection” be sent back with regards to these plans.
The comments were approved on a proposal by Cllr Henderson, seconded by Cllr Costigan and all Cllrs at the meeting in favour.
It was noted that foundations and support beams have already been laid in place for this build.
17/90 Planning. Review outstanding applications
The outstanding applications were reviewed and there were no comments or follow up actions.
17/91 Highways. Request for J15 M4 meeting with Robert Buckland
The discussion started with Cllr Brady asking what we hoped to achieve if a meeting were arranged. What points do we need answering?
Cllr Mills pointed out that there was supposed to be a meeting in Dec 17 which never went ahead. Cllr Mills has concerns that points raised by the PC do not appear to get answers. In terms of the work at J15 there have been no definitive answers in regards to all 4 approaches to the roundabout.
He would like to see a meeting between SBC Cllr Mary Martin, Robert Buckland MP and other interested Parish Councils.
He noted that work has begun on Mannington Roundabout and where have the funds come from for this?
SWLEP were offering funds for J15 and J16. There were not needed for J16. He would like clarification of this.
Cllr Henderson suggested perhaps an open meeting for residents would be better, where plans can be displayed and residents can be invited.
Cllr Costigan queried whether SBC are the decision makers for J15 and whether or not we’d get the right answers.
Cllr Harris confirmed that the road is managed by Highways England so we need to be talking to them. The main project purpose is to deal with traffic from the north along the A419. The PC have already been advised there will be no improvements to the A346 as SBC look after this road.
The Clerk is to talk to Jodie at Wroughton PC to find out about J16 issues both during and afterwards.
Cllr Brady suggested we try to get more information for the public as we need to know more about potential problems and the solutions for when the work is happening.
This item is to be carried forward to the next meeting.
17/92 Highways. Prioritising issues as H&S that the committee raise
It was discussed that when raising Highways issues with SBC and ward Cllrs that any H&S issues would be prioritized to enable SBC to react quicker.
17/93. Transport Development. Priority issues document
The draft document was presented before the meeting. It now needs to be built up with evidence from all avenues plus photos etc.
Additional information from FB and meetings etc will be added as well as gathering new public information.
(Cllr Costigan left the meeting at 21.14)
Cllr Harris will try to make the on-line tool calculate numbers of issues that are the same.
The public will be request to supply information to see what happens with the response.
17/94 AOB
Query from Cllr Mills as to whether we submit a FOI request to SBC to get the Build Out design specs. It was queried as to what the council would do if it were not an approved design. SBC have already advised they will not remove it.
It was discussed that perhaps one of the vehicle activated signs could go here and then the PC pay to have the build out removed. This is up for further discussion.
It was agreed there would be no request to SBC at this time.
Meeting closed at 21.28
Action Points
- 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. ONGOING
- 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING
- 17/78. Follow up with Cllr Harris and Cllr West to ask them to start creating their on-line data gathering tool for transport issues, ONGOING
- 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. Cllr Henderson to get a photo of the location. ONGOING
- 17/84. Ask SBC if PC can repair the verges on New Road/Castle View Road and invoice SBC back the costs.
- 17/87. Ask SBC Planning for exact details of the changes to 17 Badbury’s plans
- 17/91. Talk to Jodie the Clerk at Wroughton PC in regards to J16 M4 work and how it affected them.
- 17/91. Carry forward M4 J15 meeting request to next meeting
- 17/04. Next meeting – add vehicle activated sign for New Road to agenda.
Cllr Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. ONGOING – IF REQUIRED
Cllr Harris & West:
- 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee. ONGOING – NEEDED FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION