
  1. Attendance and apologies
  2. Declaration of interests 
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held 18th December
  5. Matters arising not on the agenda

Action Points

Parishing Progress

No items

Village Appearance

  1. Allotments plot 9 (departed 17th December) has left a lot of “rubbish” behind on their plot. Proposal to ask them to clear it, or charge them for the costs of getting it removed.
  2. Spar bin Cllr Sunners to update committee on his discussion with Spar ref rubbish bin requirement – linked to Great British Spring Clean
  3. Great British Spring Clean 3rd March – Update and plan so far. Suggestions for a successful event

Building & Amenity Priorities

Tennis Club (Note: Lease now falls under Finance Committee)

  1. Tennis Club representative to update Committee
  2. Review quotes for yearly inspections of the courts – Cllr Walton to provide 1 final quote.
  3. Pitch improvement quotes Update on Pitch improvement quotes from Cllr Walton and Cllr Clarke. Review and possible vote
  4. Water testing pavilion Best practice is to flush the pavilion showers weekly for 2 minutes to avoid legionella forming. STORM have quoted £120 plus VAT a month to do this. (Please see attached document for information on the risks involved.)
  5. Recreation hall new floor The Table Tennis Club have problems with the new flooring (See additional information via email.) Discussion and possible vote on how to proceed

Community Priorities

  1. Football Matters Club representative to update Committee

Any Other Business

  1. AOB

(Note: Items in AOB cannot be voted on)

Highway issues are now discussed on the Transport, Planning, Highways Committee.

Additional Information

Clerk to write to owners of property on Canney Close reference to cutting back large overhanging trees that are making the path slippery when wet.

Clerk is checking on availability of Wroughton solar farm grants for a library book exchange in the parish – for the Calley Hall during the coffee mornings.