
  1. Attendances and apologises for absence 
  2. Declarations of interest 
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes from the meeting on Thursday 27th November 2017
  5. Matter arising (not on the agenda)

Action points 

Planning – Voting Items

  1. Review and vote on new submitted applications – S/HOU/17/1876 Whichway Cottage, Badbury – listed building and S/LBC/17/0129 and S/17/0128 for Burderop Park. Listed building
  2. Review outstanding applications list by Exception 

Highway Items

  1. Top 5 items from Councillors?

Transport Development Items

  1. Top 5 list of concerns has been compiled – An action plan for each item to be created with first steps. To reports back to Full Council meeting in January 2018

Voting Items

  1. Review of SBC Transport requirements for development plan. Committee to agree response back to SBC before 31st December. (Clerk to send round document prior to meeting)

Any Other Business

  1. AOB (Note: Items in AOB cannot be voted on)

Supplementary Agenda Information

Sarah Screen from SBC has been invited to talk to the Planning Committee about CIL in Janaury 2018, residents may attend to discuss Whichway, Nadbury planning application.

The HGV limit sign at Badury Lane is advisory only so HGV’s can still use this route for deliveries etc.