1.To approve Cllr A Howlett and Stephen Turley to join the committee.
2. To vote on the approval of a committee Chairman for this meeting, or until May 25
3. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
4. Public recess
5. Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations to be noted.
6. Approval of minutes of meeting 16th September 2024
7. Action Points
8. Parishing: No items
9. Parish appearance and safety:
10. Parish appearance. To consider any further actions the PC can take with regards to the cleanliness and appearance of the Parish. This should be considered with agenda item 25 for the 25/26 budget. (item requested by Cllr Sunners) See additional information.
11. To ratify the purchase of 2 additional tins of anti-graffiti coating for the Hodson bus stop. See additional information.
12. To review a public request to have a separate dog bin near the bench at the New Road memorial. See additional information.
13. To discuss and vote on a further public noticeboard, on the walkway to the Rec ground. See additional information.
14. To discuss and vote on any appropriate further action to take ref installing 2 new benches. See additional information.
Building & amenity priorities:
Tennis club
14. Tennis Club representative to update Committee
Football club
15. Football Club representative to update Committee
16. Pavilion – No items
Rec hall, ground & car park:
17. To discuss how the council wish to address the annual inspection of the tennis courts. See additional information.
18. Chapel and graveyard:
To review and vote on quote received from Allbuild for cemetery extra hedge cut. See additional information.
19. To review and vote on a quote to deep clean the Chapel office. See additional information.
20. Community priorities: No items
21. To discuss and vote on additional quote for allotment fencing. See additional information.
22. To discuss and vote on tree cutting request from allotment tenant. See additional information.
23. Vulnerable people and Youth items: No items
24. Castle View Play area: No items
25. 2025/26 budget items. The committee to suggest any items to be included for projects in the 25/26 budget, for consideration.
26. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)