23/240. Approval of Chairman for the meeting.

Cllr Kearsey proposed Cllr Rawlings chair the meeting.  There were no other nominations.  The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/241. Approval of apologies given.

Cllr Whitehead – personal matter. Cllr Rogers – work issue.

A proposal was made to approve this absence with the reason given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/242. Declarations of Interest.  None

23/243. Public recess.

23/244. Approval of minutes from 19th February 2024.  Add Cllr Woodhams as attending.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting with the above amendment. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/245. Action points from previous meeting.



23/103.  Talk to SBC to see if bench locations would be approved.  Consult with closest residents if plan can proceed.  Work with SBC feedback and add to October agenda. CLOSED AS ON THIS AGENDA FOR DECISION.

23/158. Research MUGA goals costs and items for Nov meeting. Carry to December meeting. DONE

23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC. PENDING

23/205. Ask solar light supplier if an increased capacity battery is an option. DONE. ON AGENDA.

23/212.  Make contact with landowner again to get access approved to fields for ferret work at allotments. DONE. PERMISSION GIVEN.

23/221. Add approval of youth sessions to March Full Council agenda. DONE.

23/230. Purchase 2 ramps for Rec hall. Max £150 total. PENDING.

23/231. Purchase 2 green bin subscriptions. DONE

23/232. Get allotment fence and gate quotes for the committee to vote on. WORK IN PROGRESS



23/233. Update the allotment lease to show that tenants must look after their own trees on site. DONE.

23/246. Parishing Progress. No items

23/247. Parish Appearance and safety. Select a date for the Great British Spring Clean.

Saturday 18th May 10-12 was selected and the Clerk will make the arrangements.

23/248. Parish Appearance and safety. Upgrade to Strouds Hill Solar Lights.

2 batteries with larger capacity can be installed. Costs are:

Batteries £90 each

Labour £400

Fuel for the round trip for the contractor.

Cherry picker/scissor lift – to be voted on.

A proposal was made to approve the above costs plus a scissor list costing £80 per day plus £20 delivery from Rapid Hire. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/249. Parish Appearance and safety. To confirm the location for 2 benches in the Parish.

A proposal was made to add benches to New Road verge, near the allotments and Home Close entrance, near the dog bin). The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The vote for purchasing the benches had already occurred at a past EGPA meeting.

The Clerk will also arrange for the dog bin at Home Close to be moved slightly to accommodate the bench.

23/250. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. A report was received earlier in the month which was circulated to Cllrs

23/251. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. A report was received which was circulated to Cllrs.

23/252. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

23/253. Rec Hall, ground and carpark.  No items

23/254. Chapel, Museum and graveyards. Consider and vote on request from a family to add a memorial slab to their plot, to cover the entire length of the plot. This is not permitted in the councils Cemetery Regulations.

The committee considered the status of the Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden which is a lawn cemetery with only upright memorials. The current Regulations do not permit ground memorials.  There are potential H&S issues to visitors to the site if ground memorials are then laid by all future interments. It also poses a risk for the contractors cutting the grass due to damage to slabs and the inability to get a mower around the site successfully. The committee also considered the desires of the family to have a memorial of their personal requirements.

After a discussion the following was proposed.

A proposal was made to refuse permission to allow a ground memorial at the site due to the reasons listed above, but the Clerk will work with the family to try to ensure their upright memorial fits their needs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/255. Allotments.  Discuss and vote on proposed lease changes.


A proposal was made to approve the following:

Changes to state that tenants are responsible for protecting their trees from wildlife

Sheds and greenhouses must be removed at the end of the tenancy or sold/given to the next tenant in a private arrangement.

Sheds and greenhouses will be periodically inspected and any defects reported to the tenants who are required to “Make good” to avoid a danger to other tenants, contractors and council staff.

The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

There was no proposer to allow tenants to cull rabbits themselves on site as the committee felt this lacked proper control and H&S.

23/256. Allotments. Approve greenhouse placement on plot 13B

A proposal was made to approve the placement of a greenhouse on plot 13B by the tenant. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/257. Allotments. Fencing.  No information. Move to next meeting.

23/258. Allotments. Approval of bonfire signage.

A proposal was made to approve signage costing £35.06 from PW Direct on Ebay. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/259. Vulnerable People. No items

23/260. Youth Provision.  No items.

23/261. Castle View Play area.  To discuss and vote on quotes for replacement of wooden goal posts at Castle View play area.

A proposal was made to approve the quote from BDN Grounds for £1745.00. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

23/262. Items for next agenda.    None

Meeting closed 20.12

Date of next meeting: Monday 15th April 2024 7.30pm Old Chapel, Butts Road. Chiseldon.


All Actions to be completed by the next EGPA Committee meeting unless otherwise specified


23/185. Complete PROW forms and send to SBC

23/230. Purchase 2 ramps for Rec hall. Max £150 total

23/232. Get allotment fence and gate quotes for the committee to vote on.

23/248. Work with contractor to get upgraded batteries installed in the solar lights at Strouds Hill

23/249. Arrange placement of 2 new benches plus moving of the dog bin.

23/254. Advise the family of the committee decision with regards to memorial placement.

23/258. Purchase allotment bonfire sign.

23/261. Work with BDN on new goals at CVPA.



23/255. RFO to update the tenancy agreement for all new tenants and then for 2024 renewal in November.