Disabilities are not always visible. Please let a member of the council know if we can assist you. We ask all those attending our meetings to speak clearly, slowly and address the room so that those with communication difficulties are able to hear you.

1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

2. Public recess

3. Declarations of Interest and requests for dispensations to be noted.

4. Approval of minutes of meeting 17th February 2025

5. Action Points

6. To consider and vote on any comments the council wish to make on the North Wessex Downs Landscape Character Assessment review Consultation. See additional information.

7. Parishing:  No items

Parish Appearance and Safety:

8. Review and vote on next steps and to allocate the cleaning budget for 2025/26 – £8000.00 Clerk has drawn up information on creating a self-employed role. See additional information.

9. Discuss and vote on 3 additional hours plus £100 max for materials for the Handyman to create 2 new planters (or possibly repair one) for New Road at the Esso Station junction.  The existing ones are now rotting. See additional information.

Building & amenity priorities:

10. Tennis  club

Tennis Club representative to update Committee

11. Football club

Football Club representative to update Committee

12. Pavilion –  No items

Chapel and graveyard:

13. To discuss and vote on the action for the council to take with regards to an interment of ashes with no known deed. See additional information.

14. To vote to approve the update to 2 documents – Interment form and memorial stone application form. See additional information.

15. Rec Hall and grounds.

To approve the update to the pricing structure for all field hire.  All payments should have VAT added at the current rate for non-sporting activities and no VAT for all sporting activities.  This is for all hire periods.

16. Community priorities:  No items


17. To note that plot 11B will be given back their £50.00 deposit and the plot will be leased to a new tenant for the 25/26 planting year.  Due to non-payment of the 25/26 year lease. To correct Feb 25 EGPA minutes.

18. Vulnerable people and Youth items: No items

19. Castle View Play area:

20. Items for inclusion on next agenda

(Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)