1. To vote on the approval of a committee Chairman for this meeting, or until May 25
  2. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on. (To note that Cllr Whitehead has received a dispensation for April, May and June 2024 to temporarily not sit on this committee due to personal circumstances)
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting 20th May 2024
  5. Action Points
  6. To review and approve the committees Terms of Reference (TOR). See additional information.
  7. Parishing progress:  No items

    Parish appearance and safety:

  8. To look at the exact locations for the 2 benches after receiving comments and complaints from residents.  To note, this agenda item is not to alter any previous resolution. See additional information.
  9. To discuss and vote on altering the tree inspections to be once every 2 years – as per the last report received in Oct 23. (To be changed from once a year). See additional information.
  10. To vote on approving the request from a resident to place a planter at the front of Foundry Rise and associated works/costs. See additional information.
  11. To vote on approving the request from a resident to use the Parish Council logo on a flag outside their property.  See additional information.

    Building & amenity priorities:

    Tennis  club

  12. Tennis Club representative to update Committee

    Football club

  13. Football Club representative to update Committee
  14. Pavilion –  No items

    Rec hall, ground & car park. 

  15. To review the football club license agreement with CPC.  See additional information
  16. To discuss and vote on using £650.00 set aside in allocated funds to provide verti-quaking to the rec field. To be done under advisement by the experts before the end of the financial year 31.3.25 See additional information.
  17. Chapel and graveyard:   No items
  18. Community priorities:  No items
  19. Allotments: No items
  20. Vulnerable people and Youth items – No items
  21. Castle View Play area – No items
  22. Items for inclusion on next agenda
    (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)