- Public recess – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes. Please contact the Clerk if you would like a copy of any additional information noted on the agenda. Any additional information (unless confidential) can be requested from the Clerk prior to the meeting.
- List attendances and vote on approval of apologies for absence (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
- Declarations of interests – and vote on any dispensations requested.
- Approval of minutes – from 28th November 24. No note the Dec 24 meeting was inquorate.
- Review action points PLANNING NOTE. (Bio-Diversity Net Gain) A reminder to councillors that the new Gov BNG policy should be checked against the relevant applications to ensure the applicant has stated the method for their 10% BNG increase. (house extensions are excluded from BNG). SBC are the body for controlling BNG.
- PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/24/1412. Erection of a steel frame building to house MOT testing facilities. Bush House Unit 6, Marlborough Road Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0HS
- PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/HOU/24/1518. Erection of garden store. Gatekeepers Lodge, 1 Mansion Drive, Swindon SN4 0GA
- PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/24/1485. Erection of 2 no. adjoining stables, tackroom and haystore (Variation of Condition 6 – Approved Plans from Planning Permission S/12/1756 part retrospective) Land To Rear Of Staddlestones, Butts Road, Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0NN
- PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/AMEND/24/1505. Non material amendment to previous approval S/17/0128 regarding the demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works. 2 The Coach House,2 Cardeville, Burderop Park, Swindon
- PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. Published on the councils Facebook page and on the councils website.
- PLANNING. Provide an update on S/OUT/24/0982 land at Hodson Road if SBC have held their planning meeting to vote on a decision. Not expected to be until Feb 25 onwards.
- PLANNING. Vote on Cllrs to attend the SBC planning meeting when S/OUT/24/0982 is on the agenda. To determine the main points to be raised by representatives of CPC. Cllrs Kearsey and Jefferies suggested. See additional information.
- HIGHWAYS. Review any new information to add Parish Gateways to main routes into the Parish. Review the questions supplied by Signway Supplies and provide responses. See additional information.
- HIGHWAYS. Review options for any work to protect/improve grass verges that have been driven over. See additional information.
- HIGHWAYS. To approve costs of around £1000.000 for the TRO that is required for the Draycot Foliat layby and speed limit changes.
- TRANSPORT. No items
- Rec Ground improvement. To receive any update on the comms with the estate after the Clerks call with RWK Goodman on the “Heads of Terms” for the lease. See additional information.
- Rec Ground improvement. To review and vote on costs of £500 to update the costings for the new rec ground building works. See additional information.
- Neighbourhood Plan. Due date for start of Reg 16 is Fri 13th December for 8 weeks. General discussion point only if required. Relevant publicity has been carried out.
- Neighbourhood Plan. To vote to delegate powers to the Clerk to professionally print 3 copies of the full Regulation 16 documents if needed as we have a commitment to provide them to the public if they ask us. To come from the NHP council allocated funds.
- Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)