Public recess   –   to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters.  Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes.  No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item.  Maximum 10 minutes. Please contact the Clerk if you would like a copy of any additional information noted on the agenda.  Any additional information (unless confidential) can be requested from the Clerk prior to the meeting.

1. Approve Cllr Howlett and Cllr Hinton to join the committee.

2. List attendances and vote on approval of apologies for absence (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)

3. Declarations of interests – and vote on any dispensations requested.

4. Approval of minutes – from 29th August 24.

5. Review action points

PLANNING.  A reminder to councillors that the new Gov BNG policy should be checked against the relevant applications to ensure the applicant has stated the method for their 10% BNG increase. (extensions are excluded from BNG). SBC are the body for controlling BNG.

6. PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/OUT/24/0982. Outline planning application (with all matters except access reserved) for the erection of up to 42 no. dwellings, open space, landscaping and associated engineering works. Land at Hodson Road , Chiseldon

7. PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/OUT/24/1013.  Outline application for the erection of a permanent rural workers retirement dwelling and associated works. (All matters reserved). At: Ladysmith Equestrian Centre, Ladysmith Road Chiseldon.

8. PLANNING. Discussion and vote S/24/0886 on erection of a replacement detached dwelling, garage and summer house with associated works. The Bungalow, Hodson Lane, Hodson.

9. PLANNING. Discussion and vote on S/HOU/24/1027. Erection of summer House, greenhouse and gazebo Structure and re render existing dwelling. The Hollies, 26 Badbury Lane, Badbury.

10. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published.  Published on the council’s Facebook page and on the council’s website.

11. PLANNING.  Create a list of justifications for asking for S106 funds from SBC to maintain/create/improve the footpath going from the end of Chiseldon on Hodson Road to Burderop Barns.

12. HIGHWAYS. To approve additional costs for the New Road SID.  Postage of an additional £40.00.

13. HIGHWAYS. Discussion on whether to take further action to investigate a crossing point being created on New Road, at the location of Station Road/Castle View Road.  It is understood that a TRO would be required. (Item requested from Cllr Kearsey. TRO – Traffic Regulation Order)

14. TRANSPORT. No items

15. Rec Ground improvement. To approve a solicitors quote to review the Heads of Terms from the landowner with regards to the lease of land required for phase 1. See additional information.

16. Neighbourhood Plan.  To confirm that Regulation 15 has been approved by Swindon Borough Council.  To be noted on the minutes.

17. To vote on any items for consideration on the 25/26 budget. (One off projects or further funds into allocated funds for future work)

18.  Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)