Note – for any items that are not confidential, the public should request to see “Additional information” from the Clerk prior to the meeting. The information will not be available during the meeting.
1. To vote on a Chairman for the Committee for the forthcoming year.
2. To vote on a Vice Chairman for the committee for the forthcoming year (Not a legal requirement)
3. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
4.Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
5. Public recess
6. Approve Minutes from 26th March and 10th June 2024. (To note the 4th Sept meeting was inquorate)
7. Action points from 26th March and 10th June minutes
HR. No items
Finance –
8. Bad Debtor Update. FULL PAYMENT NOW MADE. There are no outstanding debts to the Parish Council.
9. 6 month review of Unity Credit card spending. To change monthly spending limit if required. See additional information.
10. Review of budget vs expenditure report for the year to date. See additional information. PDF and Excel version provided.
11. Advanced consideration of 2025/26 budget and precept. Review of 2024/25 precept, and items 10’s expenditure levels to date. EGPA and Planning committee’s for Sept will be asked to consider any one off projects they want to include for 2025/26 which will require additional funds.
12. Decision on whether to purchase memorial lanterns to hang in office windows for memorial days. See additional information.
13. Contracts – No items
14. To review and approve the council’s Grants and Donations policy. See additional information.
15. To review and approve the committee Terms of Reference (TOR) See additional information.
16. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting).