Note – for any items that are not confidential, the public should request to see “Additional information” from the Clerk prior to the meeting. The information will not be available during the meeting.
Disabilities are not always visible. Please let a member of the council know if we can assist you. We ask all those attending our meetings to speak clearly, slowly and address the room so that those with communication difficulties are able to hear you.
1. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
2. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
3. Public recess
4. Approve Minutes from 4th December 2024.
5. Review action points
6. To vote on a new Vice Chairman for the committee to May 2025. (Not a legal requirement)
HR – No items
Finance –
7. To review the dividends received in the CCLA account. See additional information.
8. To review adding a further amount to the CCLA account to maximise interest payments of council funds, as recommended by the internal auditor. See additional information.
9. To approve an extra amount to the training budget to run to 31.3.25. £200 suggested. (Demand for courses and current budget has been used)
10. To consider a vote on a grant request from the Wiltshire Ornithological Society for the provision and installation of owl boxes. See additional information.
11. To discuss and vote on any local charities or organisations where the PC can provide a donation from our remaining grants and donations fund. Policy loaded into MS Teams for information.
12. To review the latest budget vs expenditure report and note any areas for concern of over and underspend. See additional information. The Chairman of the Finance meeting is to report back to the following full council meeting with any budget lines that need consideration.
13. Discussion and vote on paying a further £650.00 to Andrea Pellegram Ltd for the work they did with the Hannick Homes planning application. Suggested that the funds come from the NHP Chiseldon Parish fund. See additional information
14.Contracts – No items
15. To approve the councils reserves policy. See additional information
16. Insurance and risk assessment. To review the insurance provision for crisis management cover and internet/email cover after last risk assessment. See additional information
17. Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed at this meeting)