1.   Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.

2.   Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted

3.   Public recess

4.   Approve Minutes from 7th March 2023.

5.   Action points from 7th March minutes.

6.   Review new burials policy for EROB issues. See additional information.


No items


7.   Approval of virement of £1000 from unallocated funds to a fund to support the purchase and install of a defibrillator in Hodson. Supported by EGPA committee. Residents to raise the remaining funds required.

8.   Approval of £8.00 delivery cost shortfall on purchase of memorial bench coming from CPC funds and not charged to the customer.

9.   Committee Chairman (EGPA, Planning and Rec ground improvements) to update the committee on actual and forecast expenditure against budget from 1st April 2023. See additional information.

10.  Approval of an amount of the allocated youth funds (Total £2000 in fund) to BEST to provide youth sessions within Chiseldon. See additional information.

11. To determine any actions and approve delegated power to the Clerk for purchases required after the recent IT/security audit. See additional information

12.Contracts – No items

13. Items for inclusion on next agenda

(Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)