1.   Welcome and introduction from the Chairman of the Parish Council

2.   Electors of the Parish of Chiseldon questions/comment time.  PCSO Charlotte Watson will be attending from Wiltshire Police to answer your local questions.

3.   Annual reports from local community organisations and groups.

4.   Annual reports from the Parish Council and its committees.

5.   Finance overview of the Parish Council funds.

6.   Final comments from Electors.

7.    Meeting closed.

Notes for the meeting.

  • This is not a Parish Council meeting. It is a meeting held for registered Electors of the parish which the Parish Council Chairman is entitled to call on behalf of the population.
  • As such the Parish Council cannot vote on any actions to take/decisions to make at this meeting. Items can be referred to the appropriate council meeting for discussion and vote.
  • Members of the public who are not Electors of the parish are welcome to attend but do not have the right under legislation to speak at the meeting.
  • The Chairman of the Parish Council, if present, must preside over the meeting.
  • The Vice Chairman of the Parish Council must preside over the meeting if the Chairman is not in attendance.
  • A Chairman for the meeting will be elected by those present if the Parish Council Chairman or Vice Chairman are not present.
  • Parish Cllrs who attend the meeting as registered Electors of the parish have no additional rights than the Electors present.
  • Parish Cllrs who attend the meeting and are not registered Electors of the parish have no right under legislation to speak at the meeting.
  • All reports will be placed on the council’s website.

The April full council meeting follows this meeting. Residents are welcome to stay.

Cllr Ian Kearsey. Chairman of the Parish Council. 22.3.24