Please note, this meeting has been postponed.


PUBLIC RECESS – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chair for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes

  1. Vote on appointment of new Chairman for the meeting, or for the remaining of the council year to May 2022. (Vice Chair to legally chair the meeting if in attendance)
  2. Public recess – maximum 10 minutes – see information above.
  3. List attendances and apologies for absence. Vote on approval of absences given. Absence with no apologies to be noted separately.
  4. Declarations of interests and requests for dispensations voted on.
  5. Review and approve minutes from 4th November 2021.
  6. Action Points
  7. Review proposed site sketch from Langton Estate. See additional documentation.
  8. Discussion & vote on who can attend meeting with the Langton Estate and what questions are to be asked to move the project forward.
  9. Review progress made so far with architect quotes. See additional documentation.
  10. Items for the next agenda. (Cannot be considered at the current meeting)