1. Attendances and apologies for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Public Recess
4. Approval OF MINUTES from the meeting on Monday 24th Sept
5. Matters arising not on the agenda
Action points.
VOTING ITEMS – Planning applications
• Review and Vote on new submitted applications.
6. VOTE ON: S/18/1160 – Amended plans for 5 dwellings with parking. Badbury House Farm, Badbury.
7. VOTE ON: S/18/1464 – Erection of barn for additional film studio & parking. Dairy Farm, Badbury.
8. VOTE ON: S/HOU/18/1708 – Erection of single storey rear extension. Bolders Green, Badbury.
9. VOTE ON S/HOU/18/1861 – Erection of single storey rear extension & attached shed to side. 33 Draycot Road.
10. Review planning list of current applications.
11. Placement of Chiseldon Camp Stone. Update from Chair.
12. Wanborough Islands Farm possible development at Commonhead.
See additional document.
Transport Development
13. Parking issues at Slipper Lane/Turnball – what could be done? (Add to Transport concerns document?)
14. Discussion – Resident request for Bollard to be replaced at the corner of the Norris Close green. SBC have no record of a bollard being there.
15. Hodson Road Speed activated signs – vote on which system to purchase & preferred location. Cllr Jefferies to provide information.
16. Safe Passing place on Hodson Road in Hodson – Update from Cllr Walton on Hodson residents views.
17. A346 Safe Crossing place. Add to Transport Concerns document. Ward Cllrs have requested this from SBC, has been “added to list”.
18. 40mph request for Draycott Foliat between white “gateway” signs. (Add to Transport Concerns document?)
19. Update from Cllr Hill on A346/M4 junction & Badbury work planned for 2019 with WSP.
20. AOB
(Note, items in AOB cannot be voted on)