You are summoned to the Planning, Transport Development and Highways
Committee meeting.

Thursday 29th July 2021 at 7.30pm. At the Recreation Hall off Norris Close in Chiseldon.

Remote login link for residents who may wish to attend remotely.


1. Vote to approve Cllr Patel joining the committee

2. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately.  Vote on approval of apologies.

3. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.

4. Public Recess.  10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.

5. Approval of minutes from 24th June 2021

6. Action points.


7. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/0902. 9 Hodson Road. Side/rear single storey extension.

8. Discuss & vote on S/21/0326. REVISED. Unicorn Business Park. Erection of 5 units. B8/E(g) class.

9. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/1167. 12 Sambre Road. Single storey rear extension.

10. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/1069. 14 Marlborough Road. Two/single storey side, and single storey rear extension.

11. Discuss and vote on reply to SBC revived Local Plan review. See additional documentation

12. For information only. S/LDP/21/1040/LZWI. Certificate of lawfulness. 38 Butts Road. Construction of hip to gable and rear dormer.


13. Discuss and vote on response to SBC road safety consultation document. See additional information.

14. Discussion and vote on costs for purchasing 3 sets of ground anchors for new SIDs. See additional documentation.


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Items for next agenda (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)