1. Vote on new Chairman of the committee for the forthcoming year
  2. Vote on new Vice Chairman if required for the committee for the forthcoming year
  3. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.
  4. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
  5. Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
  6. Approval of minutes from 29th April 2021
  7. Action points.


  1. Discuss & vote on requesting SBC review planning app S/HOU/21/0479 for the Methodist Chapel on Turnball at a Planning meeting rather than leaving decision to the officer.
  2. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/0751 Single storey rear extension, velux windows and rendering garage walls. Saracens, Turnball.
  3. Discuss & Vote on S/21/0544. Change of use for Barn. Chiseldon Farm, Ypres Road.
  4. Discuss and vote on S/HOU/21/0645. 4 Tatley Walk. Single storey rear extension, single/2 storey side extension, front porch, front canopy, extension to garage and boundary wall and fence.
  5. Discuss and vote on S/LDP/21/0648. Certificate of lawfulness for detached garden building. 16 Cambrai Road. (Not a statutory consultation with the PC)
  6. Discuss and vote on S/HOU/210785. 5 Cambrai Road. Single storey rear extension.
  7. Discuss and vote on S/LBC/21/0876. 16 Badbury Lane. Resurfacing of existing parking area & installation of new boiler. Retrospective application.


  1. Discussion & vote on exact location for proposed New Road SID installation. See additional documentation.
  2. Discussion & vote on where to place the further two ground anchors to hold the Hodson Road SID when it is moved to a new location. See additional documentation.
  3. Discuss & vote on SID to purchase for New Road. See additional documentation.


  1. No items


  1. Items for next agenda
    (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)