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1. Vote to approve Cllr Barnes joining the committee
2. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.
3. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.
4. Public Recess. 10 minutes maximum, 3 minutes per speaker if multiple speakers.
5. Approval of minutes from 29th July 2021
6. Action points.
7. 2022/23 budget items. Committee to consider & discuss any items required for the 2022/23 budget. Final vote on items to be passed to Finance committee for consideration will be on the Sept agenda. See 2021/22 budget on MS Teams.
8. Review April to July 2021 budget vs expenditure report for the planning committee. See report loaded into MS Teams


Discuss & vote on S/21/1125. Burderop Park

10. Discuss & vote on S/21/1126 Burderop Park

    Re: Erection of 6no additional dwellings  – without compliance with following previous permission S/19/1892

   At: Burderop Park House, Burderop Park, Wroughton Swindon SN4

11. Discuss & vote on S/21/0326. REVISED. Unicorn Business Park. Erection of 5 units. B8/E(g) class. See updated information provided via email.

12. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/1047. Stocks Close. Badbury Lane. Badbury. Single storey side extension & porch to front. Render garage walls.

13. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/1073. 10 Home Close. Detached summer house.

14. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/21/1203. 10 Draycott Road. Pitched roof to garage & covert to
habitable space.

15. Discuss & vote on S/21/1237. Draycot Farm. Draycot Foliat Lane. Change of use from
agricultural to storage, distribution and offices.

16. Discuss and vote on reply to SBC revised Local Plan review, carried over from July 2021. See additional documentation.


17. Discuss & vote on future SID sites for Draycot Foliat and Hodson. (item requested by Cllr Duke)

18. Discuss & vote on whether to petition SBC to have traffic lights at the junction between New Road and the A346.


20. Items for next agenda (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)