You are summoned to the Planning, Transport Development and Highways Committee

Meeting remotely via Zoom, Tuesday 23rd June 2020 at 7.30pm. Please contact the Clerk for login details.


1. Attendances and apologies for absence. Absence with no apologies to be recorded separately. Vote on approval of apologies.

2. Declarations of Interest and vote on any dispensations required.

3. Public Recess

4. Approval of minutes from 26.5.2020

5. Action points.


Voting Items:

Discuss & Vote on 3 planning applications for Earthline at Wroughton.

7. S/20/0285

Retention of an extension to existing hangar building, HGV fueling area, HGV wash-down area, HGV parking, staff parking, use of existing hangar for vehicle repair and associated site works (Retrospective).

8. S/20/0286 Retention of temporary two storey modular office building.

9. S/LDE/20/0507 Certificate of lawfulness (Existing) for the change of use to B8 storage/ distribution and ancillary uses. Feedback from residents is reported in “appendix 1 supplied via email”.


10. Clerk to report on resident’s response to New Road resurfacing letter.

11. Discussion & vote on Draycot Foliat solar lighting quotes. See additional information

12. Discussion & vote on next steps for Draycot Foliat parking improvements for 2020/21 – see additional information

13. Discussion & vote on preliminary plans for parking improvements at Windmill Piece in 2021/22. See additional information


Voting Items

14. No items

15. Items for next agenda (Note, these items cannot be voted on at this meeting)