PUBLIC RECESS – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chair for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes

  1. Vote for CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLORS – Mr A McDonald expected to attend to submit a request for Co-option.
  2. LIST ATTENDANCES AND VOTE ON APPROVAL OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS and vote on any dispensations requested.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Full Council meeting on 24th September 2019
  6. Guest Speaker Tasha Lunn from Swindon Borough Council on Parish Emergency Plans
  7. SBC consultation on Election Cycles. Discussion & vote on reply back to SBC – see additional documentation
  8. “Asset of Community Value” request to SBC for the Chiseldon Smoke House. Discuss and vote – see additional documentation


  1. S/19/1465. Erection of 2 drive through units with circulatory routes, access, landscaping, car parking, & other works. Land off of A346 at Chiseldon
  2. S/19/1399 5 High Street. 3 new dwellings & associated works (Make sure you have viewed the amended application)
  3. S/HOU/19/1417 5 High Street. Alteration to roof of porch extension.
  4. S/19/1430 The Old Bakehouse, New Road. Extension & re-roof to existing garage & office space above
  5. S/HOU/19/1458. Single storey front, rear & side extension. Roof alterations. Frenshams, Turnball.
  6. S/HOU/19/1481 & S/LBC/19/1344, work to fireplaces & flu. 19 Badbury Lane, Badbury.
  7. Submit any items of highways work required over next 12-18 months to SBC. CPC to fund. – See additional documentation


  1. Review and approve updates to Financial Regulations – see additional documentation
  2. Review and Approve August and September Financial transactions – see additional documentation
  3. Discuss budget ideas for Finance and Planning for 2020/21 budget. – see additional documentation
  4. Additional quote for Rec ground carpark drainage – see additional documentation
  1. Items for next agenda