
PUBLIC RECESS – to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters. Members of the public are allowed to address the Chair for 3 minutes. No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item. Maximum 10 minutes

  1. Vote for CO-OPTION OF COUNCILLORS if required
  2. LIST ATTENDANCES AND VOTE ON APPROVAL OF APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)
  3. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS and vote on any dispensations requested.
  4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Full Council meeting 9th December 2019
  6. Representative from the Police & Crime Commissioner. Talk on Police Precept figures.
  7. COMMUNITY SAFETY, inc Police report
  8. Ward Cllr reports
  9. Update from Cllr McDonald on Emergency plan document
  10. SBC Local Plan and SHELAA review consultation. Vote on comments back to SBC See additional documentation
  11. Plan for encouraging community members to become Cllrs…(Cllr Sunners request)


  1. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/19/1761 & S/LBC/19/1762. Whichway Cottage, Badbury. Single Storey side extension.
  2. Discuss & vote on S/HOU/19/1824. Bourne House, Draycot Foliat Lane, Draycot Foliat. 2 storey side, & rear extension & conversion of stables to ancillary accom.
  3. Discuss & Vote on S/HOU/19/1820. 5 High Street. Alteration to the roof of porch extension.
  4. Discuss & Vote on S/HOU/19/1859. 42 Norris Close. Erection of conservatory.


  1. Final approval & vote on Precept and budget for 2020/21 – See additional documentation
  2. Review FB questionnaire on apply for a grant for a Healthcare questionnaire. Vote on action to take. (From Dec full council actions) See additional documentation
  3. Suggested virement of funds from general reserves to Badbury railings fund. £2500. See additional documentation
  4. Information – the PC has offered to store 2 large marquees in the Rec Hall garage and organise the hiring of these. A donation of £50 per 24 hours is asked for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance fund. Insurance and Auditor confirm this is permitted. Funds will be controlled by separate cost centres.


  • Finance – Approve Nov & December 19 finance figures
    EGPA from Cllr Rawlings
    Risk Assessment report from Clerk
    Grants Sub-committee update
  1. Items for next agenda

Legislation to allow the council to vote and/or act:

Item 16. Power to raise a precept. LGA 1972 s150 section 4.

Item 17. Grant funding. LGA 1972, s141. Research and the collecting of information.

Note – the law lies with the purpose of which the grant funding is to be used, not in the application for the funding.