- Vote on new Finance Committee Chair
- Vote on new Finance Committee Vice Chair
- Attendances and apologies for absence
- Declarations of interest
- Public recess
- Approval of minutes from 26th April 2018
Matters Arising not on the agenda
Action Points
- Approve Audit figures for 2017/2018 for annual review – see documentation
Review Accounts - Review Accounts for April and May 2018 and vote on approval – see documentation June to date figures to be provided for information
Vote on Expenditure - Discussion and vote on joining WALC again. Current annual cost is £988.00 a year – see documentation for what is included in the cover
- Discussion & possible vote on upgrading emails to be more secure for GDPR purpose – all Cllrs to receive “Chiseldon-pc” email address
- Discussion & vote on B&Q voucher donation to probation service for their work in the parish
Policies & Leases
- Review Hiscox policy renewal for Washpool insurance £379.85 (Exact same cost as 2017)
Staff & HR
- Clerks proposed 2% salary review. In line with SAC recommendations – see documentation
- Start discussion on managing Clerks workload – various options available – increase Clerks hours, employ an office admin assistant
- Any Other Business (Note: items in AOB cannot have a vote)