
1. Attendances and apologies for absence
2. Declarations of interest
3. Public recess
4. Approval of minutes of meeting held 20th August
5. Matters arising not on the agenda
Action points


Precept for 2019/20

Any further items to be passed to Finance for consideration?

Parishing Progress

No items to discuss

Village Appearance

Committee Vice-Chair to chair next two items

7. ALLOTMENTS – Consider & vote on increase to yearly allotment lease costs.
8. ALLOTMENTS – Consider & vote on 2nd plots for tenants on rolling yearly contract, and clearing un-used plots
9. TREES. Council still needs a list of all trees owned by the PC for maintenance purposes and all trees with TPO’s attached.
10. DRAYCOTT FOLIAT PARKING. Need to chase Ward Cllrs on SBC decision for tarmacking the parking area and cutting back the hedgerow at the parking area
11. CPC response to North Wessex Downs AONB 5 year management plan review.

Building & Amenity Priorities

Tennis Club

12. Tennis Club representative to update Committee

Recreation Hall

13. Plan for Rec carpark improvements. Clerk to update committee with any quotes received.


14. Cllr Glenn Mills to attend meeting to advise on grants available for play equipment/maintenance.


No issues

Community Priorities

15. Football Matters

Club representative to update Committee.

16. Committee to review increasing pitch hire costs.
17. Vulnerable People and Bios

Any Other Business

18. (Note, items in AOB cannot be voted on)