1. Approve Cllr Sunners joining the committee
2. Attendances and apologies for absence to be received and approval voted on.
3. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted
4. Public recess
5. Approval of minutes of meeting 22nd May 2023
6. Action Points
7. Parishing progress – No items
8. Parish appearance and safety:
9. To agree on whether to get quotes to repaint the BT phone box at Badbury (owned by CPC) See additional information for photos
10. To agree on whether to get quotes to build a path on the Millennium Copse to bench. (Suggested after recent risk assessment)
Building & amenity priorities:
11. Tennis club
Tennis Club representative to update Committee
12. Football club
Football Club representative to update Committee
13. Pavilion – No items
Rec hall, ground & car park:
14. To approve the quote from CTS of £400 plus VAT for remedial work to hall and chapel for emergency lighting not working. See additional information for quote details
Chapel and graveyard:
15. Consider request to move recently installed bench at Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden. Costs to be met by the family See additional information
16. To review the updated grave digger requirements and approve them for all interments at CPC 2 cemeteries. See additional information
Community priorities:
17. To formally note the final costs for rabbit removal of £205.00
18. Review quotes for new allotment fence posts. £850 in current years budget for allotment maintenance. See additional information if quotes have been received.
19. Vulnerable people – no items
20. Agree costs of around £160 to purchase a new vacuum cleaner (Henry Hoover) at the Chapel for the volunteer cleaner. Best price will be sought at the time of purchase.
21. Items for inclusion on next agenda (Cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)