18/83. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Harris lives in Norris Close
18/84. Approval of Minutes of meeting on 26th November 2018
There were no changes to make to the minutes
Cllr Rawlings proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Jefferies seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.
18/85. Approval of minutes from 11th June 2018 public meeting at the Chiseldon House Hotel
There were no changes to make to the minutes
Cllr Rawlings proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Jefferies seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.
18/86 Matters arising and action points
Matters arising –
17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site. ONGOING – CLERK IS CHASING SBC
17/80 Hodson needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Further discussion in next meeting. WAITING FOR FEEDBACK FROM CLLR WALTON
17/96 Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. ONGOING. CLOSING AS NO FEEDBACK
18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS- DONE
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction. – ONGOING
18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
18/46 Ask Ward Cllrs to get a cost of installing the speed activated sign on Hodson Road should the supplier not do this. ONGOING
18/46 Investigate options for speed activated signs. ONGOING
18/47 Go back to SBC Highways to ask for amended plans for Norris Close parking – DONE
18/63 Ask Cllr Walton to canvass residents of Hodson ref passing place – TO CHASE
18/75 Add Parking on Slipper Lane/Turnball to transport concerns doc. DONE
18/77 Talk to SBC highways for quote to install a pole for the interactive speed sign. TO CHASE
18/79 Ask Ward Cllr Mattock for info on how A346 safe crossing area will be prioritized. TO CHASE
18/80 Keep chasing SBC via Ward Cllrs for ownership details of cutting the Draycot Foliat hedge at parking area. DONE – SBC STREETSMART MAINTAIN THIS HEDGE
18/81 Talk to Ward Cllr Sumner about next update date on J15 improvements and Badbury works. CLOSED AS WC SUMNER IS PROVIDING UPDATES
Cllrs Mills & Cllr Hill
18/48 Investigate the scheme where AONB pay for traffic matters. Report back at next meeting.
Cllr Jefferies
18/77 Talk to Wiltshire Council or Ramsbury Parish Council about installing reactive speed signs. CLOSED
In regards to the Manor tarmacking and waiting for S38 agreement from SBC, Cllr Mills suggested asking Ward Cllrs to provide the following:
Current state of the Section38 (S38)
When will the final inspection be done
What is still outstanding and stopping the S38 from being completed
The S38 should set out what work is expected and the timetable for it.
12 months of maintenance should then occur after the 1st inspection, with a 2nd inspection carried out after the 12 months has concluded.
The Ward Cllrs need to bring along the answers to this question at the Feb EGPA meeting they are attending.
Ref the A346 safe crossing point – it was suggested that Ward Cllr Sumner could talk to the contractor WSP to see if a crossing can be incorporated into their works? The Clerk will email to ask.
Cllr Jefferies reports that Philip Martlew from SBC Highways is yet to respond to her queries about the interactive speed sign on Hodson Road. Ward Cllr Mattock has also chased.
18/87 PLANNING. 99 year lease on open green land at Strouds Hill and Castle View Road to protect from development.
The Clerk and Cllr Jefferies are meeting with South Swindon Parish Council to see how they have handled this.
It would help the PC with creating new parking opportunities if they held the lease for this land.
It was proposed that in principle the committee approved the investigation into obtaining 99 year leases for open green land at Strouds Hill and Castle View Road to protect them from development. Cllr Rawlings made this proposal, Cllr Mills seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/88. PLANNING. Review of reserved funds to allocate funds to legal/planning advice in regards to New Road planning applications.
A proposal was made to allocate a total of £5000 to fund legal advice should the New Road application progress (either by approval or to appeal)
Funding sourced from allocated funds – total £3000 (from budget years 2018/19 £2000 and 2019/20 £1000 ) plus top up of £2000 from the Parish Council current reserves)
Cllr Brady proposed this resolution, Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
This will be passed to Finance for approval.
18/89. PLANNING. Norris Close parking proposals
The 3 proposed options were reviewed, Option 1 – echelon parking, Option 2 – longitudinal parking and Option 3 – no change to the current layout together with the draft consultation document.
Committee approved the distribution of the consultation document and that it should include residents of the upper end of Norris Close to gather feedback.
A proposal was made that the consultation document be printed out and delivered to no1-30 Norris Close to gather feedback. Cllr Rawlings proposed this resolution, Cllr Mills seconded and all Cllrs were in favour. Cllr Harris did not vote.
18/90. PLANNING. Review planning list
No changes currently to Burderop Park.
The Clerk is to check with Ward Cllr Sumner whether any changes or amendments have been made to the application for 30 homes on New Road.
The Clerk is to check the current status of S/18/1160
The document will be updated with the approved status of the application for Carisbrook Terrace.
18/91. PLANNING – Forming a grants sub-committee
This will go to Full Council for February. Invite residents and local clubs to be part of the committee.
Cllr Mills has a contact for obtaining grants and he will talk to them further
A “Shopping list” of future requirements for the Parish needs to be created. This is to be added to the next agenda, there may have to be some negotiation with local developers.
The Clerk is to send out Cllr Clarkes updated plan of Rec ground improvements.
The Wroughton Solar fund should also be looked at.
A trust may need to be formed to access these grants
Cllr Mills will make up part of this committee. Cllr Clarke applied to the Wroughton Solar fund for the Football club so he may be able to advise.
18/92. PLANNING – SBC local plan review training session – Cllr needed to attend with Clerk
Cllr Rawlings is to attend with the Clerk.
18/93. TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT. New Transport Rep needed
Cllr Hill will talk to members of the public about being our new transport rep. They can submit a monthly report to the Clerk and pass on relevant info as well.
Cllr Hill will also ask for volunteers via the Ridgeway Bell
18/94 TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT – Dykes Mews access issue with parked cars
There has been no update from Ward Cllrs on SBC investigating this matter. The Committee will be updated as one is received.
18/95 HIGHWAYS. Safe passing place in Hodson
Move to next agenda as need update from Cllr Walton
18/82. AOB
A resident had asked Cllr Hill about progress on the Ridgeway Stone. It was advised the History Group are currently looking into suitable locations for the stone to be moved to.
Cllr Mills has advised that after extensive research he believes the New Road build out doesn’t correspond with Dept of Transport guidelines and is therefore illegal.
Cllr Jefferies wanted it noted that the committee will greatly miss Cllr Hill when he steps down in May after many years of service to the Parish Council.
Cllr Hill has suggested he approach 2 known residents to enquire if they would like to support the Parish Council re Transport enquiries and information once he steps down as an active Councillor in May.
Meeting closed at 21.05
17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site. ONGOING – CLERK TO CHASE
17/80 Hodson needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Further discussion in next meeting. WAITING FOR FEEDBACK FROM CLLR WALTON
18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction.
18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. TO CHASE WARD CLLRS – ASK WC SUMNER IF J15 DEVELOPERS CAN ASSIST
18/46 Ask Ward Cllrs to get a cost of installing the speed activated sign on Hodson Road should the supplier not do this. ONGOING
18/46 Investigate options for speed activated signs. ONGOING
18/63 Ask Cllr Walton to canvass residents of Hodson ref passing place
18/77 Talk to SBC highways for quote to install a pole for the interactive speed sign. TO CHASE
18/79 Ask Ward Cllr Mattock for info on how A346 safe crossing area will be prioritized. TO CHASE. ASK WC SUMNER IF WSP CAN DO THIS AS PART OF J15 WORK
18/86 Send Ward Cllrs a list of questions ref S38 at Manor Rise for next EGPA meeting
18/87 Pass approval to Finance Committee for £4000 from unallocated funds to go towards fighting New Road proposed development.
18/90 Ask WC Sumner if there have been any changes to the original application for 30 homes at New Road. Also check status of S/18/1160 and update planning document with status for Carisbrook Terrace.
18/91 Send all committee members Cllr Clarkes updated Rec Ground suggested plan.
Cllrs Mills & Cllr Hill
18/48 Investigate the scheme where AONB pay for traffic matters. Report back at next meeting
Create a “shopping list” of parish improvements for grant funds to be allocated to.