Neighbourhood Plan
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- Reg 14 Consultation (Closed)
- Regulation 15 (closed)
- Regulation 16
Neighbourhood Plan public event with Andrea Pellegram
Location: Chiseldon House Hotel, New Road, Chiseldon
Date: 13th December 7pm
Neighbourhood plan public briefing
Our Consultant Andrea Pellegram( will be holding this open session to explain the Neighbourhood Plan process and what it means for the Parish. The plan will cover the whole parish and provides guidelines on future development.
Your input is vital for this plan to succeed.
Monday 13th December 2021. Chiseldon House Hotel, New Road, Chiseldon. 7.00pm.
Contact for more information.
Chiseldon Neighbourhood Development Plan Powerpoint
Please find below the Chiseldon Neighbourhood Development Plan Powerpoint document.
Chiseldon Neighbourhood Development Plan pptx.
Supporting notes from 13.12.21 Neighbourhood Plan (NHP) meeting. Chiseldon House Hotel with Andrea Pellegram
- The NHP can take 2-3 years to prepare
- At the beginning of the process is the creative stage with the community. The end stage is when the plan is voted on in a referendum.
- There will need to be assessments carried out that relate to the area – habitat and environmental etc
- The NHP was created as part of the Localism Act 2011.
- The CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) portion that a Parish Council receive from any new development will increase from 15% to 25% with a “made” NHP.
- The NHP will be trying to influence emerging Swindon Borough Council (SBC) planning policy.
- The NHP will alert developers as to what the parish is looking to see in proposed new developments.
- The NHP will assist Chiseldon Parish Council (CPC) when determining any new planning applications. Decisions will have more meaning.
- Can help CPC prioritize infrastructure needs – can make better use of CIL.
- It can’t be used to object to SBC’s allocated housing designation.
- It can’t fight against an SBC planning policy – can only work within it.
- It can’t deal with non-planning issues.
- It can’t override other statutory bodies – Environment agency for example.
- The next SBC Local Plan review runs to 2036. The Chiseldon NHP would run for the same time period.
- The designated land area known as LA22 off Hodson Road was discussed – see presentation and recording.
- The NHP can direct exactly how this new development would be designed – down to the types of trees planted and the type of park equipment.
- The NHP can effect the number and type of affordable housing.
Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 13th December 2021 recording
Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 31st January 2021 recording
Neighbourhood Plan Meeting - update
Our latest Neighbourhood Plan meeting with our Consultant Andrea Pellegram was this Tuesday and went well. Andrea is pleased with the progress made so far and has advised the project is nearly at the stage for her to start to create draft 1 of the plan.
We have a list of tasks to complete in the meantime.
It’s not too late for interested parties to become involved in the NHP – give me your contact details so we can advise of the next meeting date. Thanks.
Full draft 1 of the NHP document has been received
The complete full draft 1 of the NHP document has been received from our consultant and we will be reviewing this and sending back comments at our meeting on 28th Feb.
We will also be reviewing draft 1 of the Design Codes Document.
Neighbourhood Plan - update
The council met with our NHP consultant and planning representative from Swindon Borough Council 21st June 23 to talk about the next stages of our Neighbourhood Plan. We needed to know if a SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) was likely to be required before the plan could move forward. The SBC rep did not think this was likely but will officially report back in due course.
Our Bio Diversity plan will require that “Local Nature Recovery” required by any developer will happen either on site, or within the parish. The scheme to “buy” tokens for elsewhere in the UK will not be permitted.
We hope that we can go to our first public consultation shortly once we have some items confirmed by SBC.
We welcome any questions so far on the plan. This is a result of work that started in Dec 2021 at a public meeting which then formed a steering group made up of the public and councilors.
2023-2024 funding
The 23/24 funding from the Government to continue with the NHP project was received in October 23 so our consultant has been instructed to resume the project. More details to follow as we reach the next stage of the plan.
SBC provides feedback
Swindon Borough Council have provided feedback to our first complete NHP draft. Our Consultant will review this feedback, make updates to the draft plan for the council to approve, and the plan will then go to its first review stage – Regulation 14.
Draft 9 of the plan available
Draft 9 of the plan will be approved by Full Council at their December meeting, ready for the document to be submitted to Swindon Borough Council for Regulation 14 assessment.
You can see view or download the plan in the downloads section of this page or here.
Updated Chairman’s Introduction for the NHP – Approved May 24
Updated Chairman’s Introduction for the NHP following Regulation 14 feedback from the public, Swindon Borough Council and other stakeholders.
Statement of Community Involvement - Approved July 25th, 2024
Swindon Borough Council update:
“It’s important that people and groups potentially affected by planning policies and proposals have the opportunity to be involved in decision-making and understand when and what the opportunities are.
That’s why we held a six-week consultation earlier this year (29 January to 11 March 2024) to get views on a new draft Statement of Community Involvement, which sets out how and when the Council will carry out consultation and engage local residents, community groups and stakeholders in carrying out its planning duties.
The final Statement of Community Involvement was approved at the 25th July 2024 Full Council meeting.”
Taken from p12 of the statement, the screenshot below summarises the Neighbourhood Planning process.
New National Planning Policy Framework Consultation now open for public input
Today (30th July 2024) the Government unveiled a major overhaul of the planning system aimed at tackling the nation’s acute housing crisis and stimulating economic growth. This ambitious plan includes new mandatory housing targets for councils and reforms to both the planning system and housing policies. An eight-week consultation has begun immediately, with the final document expected to be adopted in late September. Please visit the consultation here
You can find more details about the consultation on this news item.
Planning changes announced
The government has today (12 December) announced changes to the planning system to accelerate housebuilding and deliver 1.5 million homes over this Parliament.
Under the plans, councils have been asked to play their part to meet housing need by reaching a new ambitious combined target of 370,000 homes a year. This comes less than one week after the Prime Minister announced the Plan for Change that sets out the milestone of delivering 1.5 million new homes over five years.
Under new planning rules, updated via the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF):
· Councils will be asked to play their part to meet housing need, with new immediate mandatory housing targets for councils to increase housebuilding
· Areas with the highest unaffordability for housing and greatest potential for growth will see housebuilding targets increase · A new approach will be introduced to the greenbelt. While remaining committed to a brownfield first approach, the updated NPPF will require councils to review their greenbelt boundaries · Any development on greenbelt must meet strict requirements, via the new ‘golden rules’, which require developers to provide the necessary infrastructure for local communities, such as nurseries, GP surgeries and transport, as well as a premium level of social and affordable housing · Councils and developers will also need to give greater consideration to social rent when building new homes and local leaders have greater powers to build affordable homes |
The government also announced £100 million of funding for councils’ planning officers, along with 300 additional planning officers, to help ensure faster decision making.
Letter from the Government to every planning authority
Access the letter here: Chief Planner’s Newsletter December 2024
View or download the National Planning Policy Framework December 2024