This page contains information relating to Hannick Homes public consultation on building up to 42 dwellings on the field situated off of Hodson Road. Hannick Homes have advised that they have submitted their outline planning application to SBC. The planning application, S/OUT/24/0982, is now available to view on Swindon Borough Council’s website. You can view it here Simple Search ( and make comments via email to
Hannick Homes have confirmed that any development on this site would conform to the SBC Local Plan requirement of 30% affordable homes.
Map of Proposed Hannick Homes Development

Swindon Borough Target Housing Allocations
The new Labour Government has increased the house-building targets and for Swindon this will mean a 20% increase. Swindon Borough Councill will now have to look at sites that were submitted for housing growth and reassess the evidence base, such as highways and education, which is what forms the Swindon Local Plan (see link below).
The date for the updated Local Plan to be adopted is 2026. The increase for Wiltshire is greater than Swindon’s so this may mean that Swindon is impacted even further.
As part of the 2026 Swindon Local Plan, a target housing allocation was set for Chiseldon and surrounding villages. This figure is “Over 100” dwellings. Page 22 of the Local Plan details this.
Page 26 of the plan, point 3.26 explains further:
It should be noted that Swindon Borough Council are currently working on an updated version of the Local Plan. “Swindon Local Plan 2036”. New Local Plan | Swindon Local Plan 2026 and New Local Plan | Swindon Borough Council
Swindon Borough Local Plan
Please click the link below to view or download the Local Plan.
Swindon Borough Local Plan 2026
Useful sections:
- The affordable housing policy HA2 is on page 78, section 4.120.
- For Rural Exception sites, see page 69
- For infrastructure requirements on new developments, see p88 onwards.
What can and can’t be considered when objecting to a planning application?
Material – Can be considered
- Government Policy and Guidance
- Local Development Plan Policy and Guidance
- Highway Safety and Traffic
- Design, appearance and layout
- Effect on the level of daylight and privacy
- Conservation of buildings, trees and open land
- Need to safeguard the countryside
- Noise disturbance and smells
- Environmental impact
Non- Material – Can’t be considered
- Effect on the value of the property
- Loss of a private view
- Problems caused by building works
- Matters covered by other laws
- Private property rights/covenants*
- The developer’s morals, motives or past record
- Possible future development
- The fact development may have started / Retrospective
- Trade objections based on competition
- Moral objections
*A covenant could be pursued privately but this could not be considered by SBC Planning, or by the Parish Council.
See also:
How to respond to planning applications (pdf)
Relevant Documents & Websites – National
- Government press release for overhaul of the planning system
- Planning update newsletter (13 September 2024) (
- Chancellor Rachel Reeves to bring back housebuilding targets – BBC News
- National Planning Policy Framework – GOV.UK (
Relevant Documents & Websites – Local
- SBC Boundary Maps
- Draft Chiseldon NDP design code document.
- Site Access Arrangement drawing, showing pavement to bus stop
- Hannick Developments | Strategic Land Promotion and Development
- Local plan and planning policy | Swindon Borough Council
- Chiseldon Parish Council Plan for BNG (Biodiversity Net Gain)
- North Wessex Downs National Landscape
- Hodson Road Chiseldon SID data 30th July to 30th Oct 2023
- Public Questions and Answers to Hannick Homes for August and September 2024
Residents' concerns over CPC requesting S106 funds
There appears to be some concern over CPC requesting S106 funds, even though at this stage we are objecting to the proposal from Hannick Homes.
The time to submit a S106 request is when a consultee response is submitted, regardless of whether they may support or object to an application. The request needs to be lodged before the planning authority (SBC) makes their decision on the application.
So even though the Sept 24 vote was to object to the application, we should still request S106 funds, in the event that SBC choose to approve the application.
This helps to safeguard a portion of funds to be used for local benefit should the development go ahead.
If the application is approved, CPC would get 15% CIL contribution from SBC. (or 25% if their NHP is adopted)
Extract taken from Conditions and obligations – The decision-making process – Planning Portal
Click image below to enlarge text.
SBC will be voting on the decision of S/OUT/HOU/0982
SBC will be voting on the decision of S/OUT/HOU/0982 at a planning committee meeting rather than an individual officer making the decision.
- SBC will let the Parish Council know the details 1 week before the meeting date. We will publish this information on our council Facebook page.
- The public can attend these meetings and request to make representations to the committee.
- The next scheduled meeting that SBC are holding for the planning committee is showing as 12th November 6.00pm but it is not known if this is the meeting at which the application will be heard. Details on the public question time are listed here (Public Pack) Agenda Document for Constitution, 17/05/2024 00:00 ( on page 67.
- Residents must attend in person to make their comments.
Parish Councils submission to SBC for planning application S/OUT/24/0982 Oct 24
Planning Committee discussion of proposed Hodson Road development - summary
From the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting, 26th September 2024:
24/58. PLANNING. Discuss and vote on S/OUT/24/0982. Outline planning application (with all matters except access reserved) for the erection of up to 42 no. dwellings, open space, landscaping and associated engineering works. Land at Hodson Road , Chiseldon.
A summary of discussed items:
Cllr Rawlings believes that there are still issues with Thames Water and other utilities not being able to cope with extra homes. Tankers still have to visit the area to remove excess waste. Excess rain can flood the area. What happens to the proposed attenuation pond in the summer when its just mud? Where will the excess site water go?
Cllr Howlett noted the 56 comments on the planning portal from the public. 26 references to drainage/sewerage issues. Adding more houses would be problematic. 43 comments over the area being part of the AONB. There are “5 Golden Rules” of development within the NPPF which appear to rule out building here.
Cllr Stevens commented that access to the site was still a concern and that public comments were relevant.
Cllr Rawlings also noted the concerned over site access and that SBC Highways had currently objected.
He believes there cannot be a path built to the Hodson Road bus stop on the left when exiting the site to the left due to the drainage ditch.
Cllr Jefferies noted comments on lack of Drs availability, however notes that the school has plenty of spaces for children. Unfortunately providing more Drs is not something CPC or SBC can provide. Also noted that she believed that with no new development in the parish that the parish would “die”.
A general comment was made on what constitutes an affordable home. Andrea Pellegram reminded that CPC’s draft NHP contains a section on housing needs for the parish.
Cllr Hinton commented that there would definitely be no affordable housing if no new houses were built at all.
Cllr Howlett noted that the Gov was proposing to increase the number of affordable housing required from 30% to 50%. Does this mean that less developers will want to build new homes?
Cllr Turley noted that as the application is currently outline only a lot more detail would be needed to know whether issues were addressed to see if it became more viable.
It was noted that an informal meeting could be held (with no decisions made) for Cllrs before the application next comes back for a CPC vote so that Cllrs can ensure they are up to date with the latest legislation and specifics for any further application submitted. It was agreed this would be a good idea.
A proposal was made to reply with an objection for this application in its current form. The proposal was seconded and a majority of Cllrs were in favour. There was 1 abstention to voting.
Nick Pellegram will draft CPC’s reply and sent it to the Clerk on Monday 30th Sept for consideration.
Planning Committee votes not to support current planning application
At the 26.9.24 planning committee meeting, the committee voted not to support the outline planning application for the land at Hodson Road in its current state by a majority vote.
This is likely only the first stage of the process and we assume further planning applications will be submitted.
It is to be noted that the council identified areas of concern that they would want addressing. Any further applications will be addressed on their own merits.
Our consultants Andrea and Nick Pellegram will be drawing up our official response to SBC by the end of next week.
The minutes and our response to SBC will be loaded onto this page as soon as they are available.
Planning meeting location - 26th September
The 26th September planning meeting will be held at the Recreation Hall off Norris Close.
Hannick Homes proposal discussed at Full Council Meeting on 12th August 2024
The minutes for the discussion were as follows:
24/66. PLANNING. Discussion and vote on the response from the pc on Hannick Homes (HH) public consultation.
Mr Lee advised that they are hoping to submit an outline planning application with all matters reserved except for means of access to SBC in the next couple of weeks. (This should be available to view on the SBC planning portal) A full planning application submission to SBC is expected in the future only once SBC provide their decision on the outline application. This application would deal with reserved matters such as appearance, landscaping, scale and layout)
Once SBC process a full application, it will be a public document available for comment. An outline map of the suggested placement of the homes on the site was provided. A copy will be made public by the Clerk.
[A map showing the proposed footpath and road crossing location was also provided at a later date which will be made available to the public.]
A discussion was held by Cllrs on this matter. (Highlights include)
It was re-iterated by Cllr Jefferies that SBC will be under increasing pressure to provide more homes. Having control over where these are placed and what they look like is paramount to the Parish. *
* Due to the Labour Government new policies on increased housing requirements.
Chiseldon’s emerging Neighbourhood Plan, which it was hoped would soon go to Reg 15 was mentioned as the Design Code document will shape how any new development is created.
To note – Chiseldon and surrounding rural areas already had an allocation to provide at least 100 new homes stated in the 2026 Swindon Local Plan document created by SBC. It is not expected that the new draft Local Plan will lower those figures. (page 22 and 26 of the plan)
A discussion was held on the entrance/exit to the site from Hodson Road. It was determined that some form of suitable traffic safety/calming method was needed. It would be Swindon Borough Council who would determine this as the Highways Authority, and not HH. However HH would need to comply with any such demand as part of the planning process.
With 42 proposed homes, and therefore approx. 85 new vehicles being in the area, it was argued that with modern working patterns it was not likely that all 85 vehicles would be leaving and arriving at once for the traditional “9-5” commute.
Cllrs felt that a full sized roundabout, rather than a painted on mini roundabout would be preferable for this location as it would allow safe entrance and exit to the site and also slow down general road traffic in this area.
The previously mentioned creation of a footpath running from the proposed site to the bus stop on Hodson Road was mentioned. It was confirmed that this was on the illustrative map so was still under consideration for the site, it would depend on whether SBC required this as part of any approval given but HH are optimistic that SBC will approve it.