This page will hold memories and photos from VE day and also the small ways that people will be remembering VE days in their homes this year.
Please send photos or comments to for inclusion.

By Mrjspence at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, Link
The British Legion – Remembrance in 2020
The following section is reproduced from the Briitish Legion website. You can see the whole article on this webpage.
This year we’re remembering the impacts that leaving, absence and coming home have on Service men and women, and their loved ones – then and now.
The end of WWII
At the end of the Second World War 3.8 million British men and 400,000 women were demobilised, returning to their homes and families, some for the first time in many years.
To this was added tens of thousands of evacuees, the majority of them children, who returned home to town and cities that needed rebuilding.
Millions of personnel from Commonwealth forces also faced long journeys back to their homes across the world, whilst over 60 million refugees across the world were left displaced needing to rebuild their lives.
These reunions were often joyous, frequently strained and sometimes painful. Resettlement to civilian life was a major concern of post-war governments and a driver of social change in Britain and across the world.
Memories From VE Day
“When the American troops were based at the camp they sent trays of ring doughnuts by train from the camp halt down to Chiseldon station for us kids at the High St school. One Christmas we were collected by army lorry and taken to the mess for Christmas dinner. My present was a game of Chinese chequers. I think the year must have been 1943/4.”
“When we were 11 we left the High St school to go to the Camp. Two old buildings were used by us including one with a big kitchen .We had a great time there. My dad had the paper shop from1955 until 1970. He built the shop that was pulled down to build the new Spar shop.”
Poppy Drawings and Messages of Peace
These poppy drawings and messages of peace were provided by Chiseldon Primary School children.
VE Stay at Home Party
This is not a Parish Council iniative, but we do support it.
Union Jack Flag to Colour
Visit this page at for a free Union Jack flag to download and colour in.
Chiseldon in the War Years
Who Was at Chiseldon Camp in WWII?
Between the wars the Army Vocational Training Corps taught soldiers skills for their return to civilian life.
1939 AVTC closes and all men returned to their units.
1939 to 1942 Kings Royal Rifle Corps, No3 Motor Training Battalion.
1940 June and July. Dunkirk survivors – British, French and Belgian.
1942 KRRC moved north.
1942 American Engineers extend camp with Nissen huts and tents and build Ogbourne Camp, together known as “Camp Chiseldon”.
1943/4 Staging camp for troops arriving from US prior to D Day invasion.
1944 April to July: 28th Infantry Division.
- June to July: 5th Armoured Division
- August to December: 17th Airborne Division.
1944/5 130th Station Hospital – triage for wounded flown in from Normandy.
At Burderop Park:
August 1943 to March 1944: 130th Station Hospital
March 1944 to December 1945: 154th General Hospital
(this is a condensed list, there is much more in David Bailey’s book about the Camp)