Applying for a free road closure for children’s play time

Swindon Borough Council are trialling a new scheme where residents can apply for a temporary free road closure, so that children’s play events can be held. It’s a chance for children to play together outside and for parents to meet up. If you would like to apply then please email and also take a… read more

Noise from light aircraft

Please be advised that our Ward Councillors have already investigated the issue with air craft noise around the Parish coming from the airfield. There isn’t any course of action that the Parish Council or Swindon Borough Council can take in the short or long term as no laws are being broken, and the land that… read more

Transport report for April

There has been an overwhelming response to Wiltshire Council’s review of subsidised bus services, with over 10,000 questionnaires returned so far. As the closing date is 4th April there is still time to take part and Chiseldon Parish Council has sent in a letter, asking for a fresh look at the proposed £5.1m cut to… read more