Updated Washpool work day

We have received this message from the Washpool Area Restoration Project about rescheduled work days: Wiltshire Wildlife Trust were due to join us last weekend to fence off the newt pond on the Island to prevent the sheep getting in. We postponed this due to the England World Cup. They are now going to join… read more

Table tennis at the Rec Hall is just £7 an hour!

Just a reminder that we hire out the Recreation Hall (off Norris Close) with its table tennis kit for £7.00 per hour. To book, please contact the town clerk, giving as much notice as possible. Email: clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk Phone: 01793 740744

First youth session at BEST

CPC is so pleased with our first youth session provided by BEST  – see photos below! Visit Eventbright.co.uk to book spaces on the remaining 5 sessions.  They take place every Thursday 10.30 to 12.30 during the school holidays.

Workday on the Railway Path

We have received the following update from Dick Milard, after a hard-working team carried out restorative work on the railway path earlier this month: Today, a lovely team from Arval spent a day on the Path.  In between Marlborough and Ogbourne St Andrew, there is a spot with two benches and an obelisk.  A few… read more

In need of May half-term plans? Don’t worry, we’ve got it covered! 

Here are some ideas for local activitites in the May half-term: Visit the historic State Rooms of Lydiard House Museum to see our new special exhibition and take part in our new family activity Hop over to the STEAM Museum, for the new exhibition celebrating female pioneers in railway engineering, an Air Raid Shelter experience and an… read more

Table Tennis at the Recreation Hall

The Rec Hall in Chiseldon (near the tennis courts) offers hourly hire of the hall for table tennis at £7.00 ph. Please contact clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk to book in.  All kit is provided on site.