Acoustic in the Alley

For those of you who may have earmarked May 25th in your diaries to see Chico Holton, please note his spot has been moved to June 22nd. Acoustic in the Alley now has its own website. A big thanks to Chantelle for setting this up for us. It still needs a bit of tweaking and… read more

Tennis Talk

Please click the link below to view or download information about the Chiseldon Tennis Club. Tennis Talk

IMPORTANT – Castle View Play area

IMPORTANT MESSAGE – The playground on Castle View Road has a damaged piece of equipment. One of the wooden top bars of the climbing areas has broken. The equipment is currently on the floor. Our contractors are visiting at 9.00am tomorrow to remove the wooden bar and unattach the ropes to make the area safe…. read more

Thursday’s Youth club van at Castle View green

Youth Mobi van. Every Thursday evening in term time the BIOS van visits the Castle View green area to provide a youth club for local kids. They arrive around 7.20pm and stay until about 8.45pm (later on lighter evenings). It’s aimed for children who can stay unattended. You can get more information on their website… read more

Dog warden update

If you have a concern over a stray dog then you can call the SBC dog warden direct on 01793 466139 and they will come and collect the dog. The dog will be placed in the council pound and the owner will have to pay to retrieve the dog.   As we all know, unless… read more

Library Update from SBC

New Arrangements For Library Services From 5th April New operating arrangements for Swindon’s library service will come into force on 5th April 2017. The changes to the service follow the decision by the Council’s Cabinet in December 2016 to implement a new strategy for the library service. The service will be provided by a network… read more

A message from Chiseldon Tennis Club:

As you know we are a local club run by the members for the members, our aim is to get out and play whether that is for fun, for fitness or for competition. We have three excellent brand new floodlit courts available for our members to use all year round at no extra cost. We… read more

Message from Acoustic in the Alley

Hi everyone, just to remind you that Acoustic in the Alley is on Thursday 23rd March at 8pm, in the Brown Jack, Wroughton, in the skittle alley at the back of the pub. Free parking; £1 entrance. We have the wonderful Linda Lee & Martin Hawes as our spot guests. Not to be missed –… read more

Tennis Club open day Sunday 23rd April

Chiseldon Tennis Club are holding an Open Morning on Sunday April 23rd 10. – 1pm at the courts. We welcome new members, current members and people who would just like a knock about and to find out more details about the club. We will be providing hotdogs, tea, coffee and squash and look forward to… read more

Temporary closure of footpath 24 from 27th March for 6 months

PUBLIC NOTICE SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL SECTION 14 – THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984 NOTICE OF TEMPORARY FOOTPATH CLOSURE PROW FOOTPATH 24 CHISELDON, SWINDON This Order is made on the grounds of public safety and will prohibit pedestrians from proceeding along the length of footpath 24 Chiseldon which connects to Day House Lane. Alternative Route… read more

Ridgeway mobile phone App?

Would you like a Ridgeway mobile phone app? We’d like to know what you think about a mobile phone app for use along The Ridgeway – is it a good idea? This survey will take less than 2 minutes to complete: We are thinking about producing an app to enhance the visitor’s experience through… read more

Changes to library provision

Library Provision – changes affecting Chiseldon Residents We have always had either a library or a mobile library in the Chiseldon Parish area.  We lost the library in the old school building in New Road a number of years ago and this was replaced by a mobile library service, calling twice a week.  Due to… read more

Village Show – first meeting 21st Feb

The Three Trees Farm shop are looking to have the first village show on 9th September 2017.  The first meeting for this is Tuesday 21st Feb at the Farm Shop at 7.30pm Village Show – Meeting Announcement – Feb 2017

Mobile Library Update

The team are looking at the best way of updating all customers in plenty of time to get their books back to the van before the service ends at the end of March. Library customers who are referred to the home library service will be contacted by a RVS coordinator by phone or in person… read more

Throwing away dog mess

Did you know it is fine for dog mess to also be thrown into rubbish bins, as long as its in a suitable bag.  If you are walking your dog and cannot find a dog waste bin, please use a rubbish bin and keep our community clean.

Dog mess on Castle View Road green area

To the 1% of dog walkers who do not clean up after their dogs and put their dogs mess in the red dog bin provided – Chiseldon Parish Council would have no choice but to ban dogs from this area if the situation doesn’t improve. It is obvious that children use this area so please… read more