Message from the Police

Message sent by Katie Bond (Police, Media Officer, Wiltshire) It may be September but the warmer temperatures are set to continue into the weekend. With this in mind, we’d like to remind you all to be mindful of your home security. An open window is an invite to burglars. Don’t give them an easy way… read more

August Police Update report

August Crime Statistics Burglary – 2 1 x Dwelling Burglary 2 x N/D Burglary 1 suspect arrested and all property recovered Theft – 10 9 related to commercial premises Violence against the Person – 9 6 offences related to the same parties Criminal Damage – 4 2 offences related to domestic situations 1 offence with… read more

Police warn of business fraud

Businesses are being warned to be vigilant after two recent reports of fraud in Swindon. The first incident occurred yesterday afternoon (25 August 2016) shortly before 3pm at a pub in Manchester Road. A man entered the premises posing as the owner of a nearby shop and offered to sell them a quantity of leftover… read more

Police Community Messaging Box at the Spar

We’d like to say thank you to Oakley’s Spar who have supported the Police with the installation of the community messaging box. You can use this box to post any information (anonymously or otherwise) you feel the police should know about. Officers will empty this box when they do their patrol’s of the area.  … read more

Property and vehicle security

The local Police have asked us to remind residents to continue to be vigilant with regards to securing the properties and vehicles against thefts, break-ins and burglaries. Please make sure you don’t leave vehicle keys in view of your front door or windows and make sure all entry points to your homes are secure. Please… read more

Police reminder on keeping homes and property secure

The Parish Council have been reminded by the local Police to ask all Parishioners to continue to be vigilant in regards to making sure house doors and windows are locked, making sure vehicles are secure, and likewise all outbuildings are secure. The Police will continue to maintain a presence in the village but all residents… read more

Bobby Van Trust

Just a reminder that the Bobby Van trust can help anyone elderly, vulnerable or disabled with home security. Please see their website for details. Thanks

Recent Burglaries in Chiseldon Village

The Community Policing team have confirmed that they are actively targeting the village to identify subjects responsible for the recent burglaries. The resource is intended to be available at the times the burglaries took place. PC Draper has requested we share this message as much as possible to raise awareness. He also re-iterated that anyone… read more

House Burglaries in Chiseldon Village

Please be aware that some burglaries from shed’s and garages are now moving onto houses. This is a very distressing occurance to have your house burgled so please don’t give people any chance to do so. Keep ALL doors and windows locked when out and at night time, never leave house or car keys within… read more

Reporting crime

Our local Police Constable, Rory Draper, has asked the Council to make people aware of a recent spate of anti social behaviour in the village, including vandalism and some unpleasant incidents. PC Draper asks that anyone with information about these or other incidents call 101 and ask for the information to be passed to him…. read more

Neighbourhood Watch

The next Neighbourhood Watch meeting (which was due to take place on 28 September) has unfortunately had to be cancelled. The Group, which is very active, will next meet on Monday 30 November at 7.30pm at the Recreation Hall, Chiseldon.