March 2017 Police report

Police Report for the period 1st – 31st March 2017 For the period noted above the Chiseldon Parish has had three burglaries reported two of which were garages. An offender has been arrested and interviewed in relation to these and our enquiries are on-going at this time. The third was a house on the Badbury… read more

Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch forum 25th March

Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch A key player in the ‘One Team’ approach to reducing crime. Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is organising a series of Open Forum’s to inform and raise awareness of the ‘One Team One Approach’ community policing model recently introduced by Wiltshire Police.  The forum will also provide an opportunity to review how Neighbourhood… read more

Crime report Feb 2017

Chiseldon Parish Council Meeting Police Report for the period 1st – 28th February 2017 26/02/17 – Castleview Road – Garage Burglary – garage has been broken into during the early hours No items have been stolen. 26/02/17 – John Alder Close – Criminal damage – three reports received that white paint has been daubed on… read more

Neighbourhood Watch open forum 25th March

Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch A key player in the ‘One Team’ approach to reducing crime. Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association is organising a series of Open Forum’s to inform and raise awareness of the ‘One Team One Approach’ community policing model recently introduced by Wiltshire Police.  The forum will also provide an opportunity to review how Neighbourhood… read more

Precautions against crime

I am sure everyone has seen the recent Facebook and news posts about thefts from vehicles and vandalism etc. Just a reminder to everyone to continue to keep all doors and windows locked (even when in the house) and vehicles secured at all times. It appears this sadly needs to be the norm, not just… read more

January 2017 police report

  Police Report for the period 1st – 30th January 2017 06/01/17 – Windmill Piece – Criminal Damage – unknown suspect has caused damage to a vehicle by removing and damaging the hub caps and scratching down one side. 08/01/17 – Station Road – Dwelling burglary – unknown suspect has attempted to break into the… read more


Tell us how we’re doing… Assistant Chief Constable Kier Pritchard from Wiltshire Police will be hosting a DROP IN SESSION Come along and discuss policing with your local Superintendent and core members of your local policing team Tea and coffee available Friday 27th Jan, Broadgreen Community Centre, Gladstone Street, Swindon, 9.30 to 11.30am

Police report for December 2016

Police Report for the period 1st – 31st December 2016  02/12/16 – Theft from motor vehicle – Chalcot Road – Unknown suspect has gained access to an unsecure vehicle which was parked on a driveway and and stolen items from within to the value of £120. 04/12/16 – Burglary – Hodson Road – occupant came… read more

Police warning over cyber crime

Action Fraud has received several reports from victims who have been sent convincing looking emails claiming to be from Amazon. The spoofed emails from “” claim recipients have made an order online and mimic an automatic customer email notification. The scam email claims recipients have ordered an expensive vintage chandelier. Other reported examples include: Bose… read more

Home security advice

After a recent attempted break in at Chiseldon whilst the residents were at home, please remember to lock your doors and windows even when you are at home. Make sure vehicle keys are not left in view of doors and windows, and make sure vehicles are locked even when you are at home.

Police warn of home and car theft increases

PC Nick Payne said:  We are currently experiencing burglaries to properties across “Swindon, the areas of Rodbourne, Gorse Hill and Rodbourne Cheney are particularly affected. Please make sure that your homes are secure, make sure all doors and windows are locked. If you see any suspicious activity please call “Swindon police on 101 or 999… read more

Latest crime statistics from the local policing team

Crime Figures October 2016 Burglary                            Dwelling x 0 Non-Dwelling x 3 Theft Theft x 5 (5 related to commercial premises) Criminal Damage Criminal Damage x 5 (three offences related to vehicles damaged on Draycott Road – enquiries ongoing) Vehicle Offences Vehicle offences x 1 (insecure vehicle entered and high value items removed) No similar offences… read more

Hodson Road parking situation near roundabout

PC Sophia Best has received details of the parking situation on Hodson Road near the roundabout and has advised that officers will monitor the area and that any offenses or obstructions identified will be dealt with accordingly. Meanwhile our Ward Cllr Eric Shaw continues to talk to SBC for a long term solution.

Crime figures from PC Draper

Crime Figures August 2016 Burglary                            Dwelling x 1 Non-Dwelling x 2 (Two Motorcycles recovered from one address and returned to owner and male Charged with Burglary) No Burglary offences in August after 16/8/16 Theft Theft x 10 (9 related to commercial premises) Criminal Damage Criminal Damage x 4 (Two domestic related/suspects identified in three of… read more

Scam report from Wiltshire Police

We’d like to make businesses in Wiltshire aware of a number of scam calls reported today. This morning, we received a call from a business reporting that they had received a phonecall from a man who claimed to be a Wiltshire police officer. He insisted on being transferred to the managing director. When he was… read more