The Swindon Half Marathon

We have received the following report from Swindon Borough Council: The Swindon Half Marathon as a race was a huge success with record numbers of runners taking part and thousands of pounds being raised for charity. A major part of that success was due to the fact the race was staged within the town and… read more

News from the Washpool – new dates

We have received the following from the Washpool Area Conservation Project: NEWS FROM THE WASHPOOL A CHANCE TO LEARN A NEW SKILL! The Washpool project has made contact with a professional hedge layer who has offered to come and teach half a dozen of us how to do hedge laying. The training will probably take… read more

News from The Washpool

We’ve received the following update from the Washpool Area Restoration Project (please note that the WARP are an independent organisation and not part of Chiseldon Parish Council): We’re pleased to report that the Washpool Area Restoration Project recently received some welcome publicity, with two articles about our work appearing in the Swindon Advertiser (both pieces… read more

Acoustic in the Alley – Thursday 24th August

A reminder that Acoustic in the Alley is on Thursday 24th August at 8pm, in the Brown Jack, Wroughton, in the skittle alley at the back of the pub. Free parking; £1 entrance. Forthcoming dates for 2017 Having had a spot each month over 2016 and 2015, the decision has been made for 2017 to… read more

Butterfly walk: Sunday 30th July

Here is Dick Millard’s reflections on the Butterfly Walk that took place on 30th July: Nine of us assembled in rather unpromising, damp and cloudy conditions.  Miraculously, the sun came out and within a minute the first butterfly appeared.  We saw seven different species, together with two species of bumblebee and one of caterpillar.  One… read more

Butterfly Walk – Sunday 30th July

We’re passing on the following message from Dick Millard regarding the forthcoming Butterfly Walk: We are repeating a visit to a nice patch of chalk grassland growing in a cutting at the side of the Path just north of Ogbourne St George.  The diverse flora attracts butterflies and moths, and on a sunny day in… read more

Acoustic in the Alley – Thursday 27th July

We’re passing on the following information from Bryony Mitchell regarding Acoustic in the Alley: Acoustic in the Alley is on Thursday 27th July at 8pm, in the Brown Jack, Wroughton, in the skittle alley at the back of the pub. Free parking; £1 entrance. Also, all welcome to the annual BBQ on Wednesday 26th July,… read more

Holy Cross Church Fete – Saturday 10th June 2017

Saturday 10th June saw the residents of Chiseldon Parish come together for the Holy Cross Church Fete. Thanks to the efforts of organisers and contributors, a good time was had by all, at an event that included a barbeque, the Wroughton Silver Band and many stalls. For further details, please see The Swindon Advertiser‘s article.

July Full council guest speaker

The next full council meeting will be the 10th July at the Rec Hall at 7.30. Alison Waine who heads the dog warden team from SBC will be presenting, advising on current and hopefully future laws to help combat dog fouling. Everyone is welcome to listen to her talk and then there will be a… read more

Friends of the Railway Path workday

Dick Millard writes about the Railway Path workday: Six of us spent a useful day on the Railway Path earlier today.  The recent wind has been tossing things about, and we came across a lot of branches and small trees that needed moving away from the path.  All very tangled at times.  We met lots… read more

Great Get Together at Stratton Fire Station Saturday 17th June

Great Get Together at Stratton fire station this Saturday The final arrangements are being put into place for Stratton fire station’s Great Get Together picnic this Saturday (17 June). The fire station in Highworth Road will be open to the public between 2pm and 5.30pm to allow the local community to enjoy a range of… read more