Annual Parish Meeting and Full Council Meeting in May

The annual parish meeting will be held at the Chiseldon House hotel on Monday 14th May with entry from 6.30pm, starting at 7.00pm. This is the annual update meeting to the parish so we invite all residents to attend. Further details on the agenda to follow. This means the May full council meeting has been… read more

Co opt a Cllr by election Notice April 2018

Parish Council of Chiseldon (Chiseldon and Lawn WARD) Vacancy for a Councillor There is a vacancy on the above Council caused by the resignation of Cllr David West. A by-election to fill these vacancies will be held if within 14 days (not counting a Saturday or Sunday or Bank Holiday) from the date below ten… read more

Voter ID Election Pilot

From Swindon Borough Council We are writing to inform you about the upcoming Voter ID election pilot which aims to reduce electoral fraud. Swindon residents who vote at a polling station will be required to present a form of ID before voting in the local elections on 3 May. For Swindon residents voting at a… read more

Elections & Voter ID pilot – 3rd May 2018

Swindon Voter ID Pilot Information on Voter ID pilot can be read here and on the website. Anyone who lives and votes in the Borough of Swindon will be required to bring their poll card as a form of identification to vote in the local elections on 3rd May 2018, Swindon is trialling the use… read more

Vacancy For A Councillor Update: Michelle Harris

Parish Council of Chiseldon Delighted to say that Michelle Harris has been co-opted as our newest Councillor. Michelle lives in the village and has a strong basis of local knowledge and a great skill set to work with the Council on a large variety of matters. Michelle’s details will be added to the contact list… read more

Vacancy For A Councillor

Parish Council of Chiseldon (Chiseldon and Lawn WARD) Notice is hereby given that by reason of resignation of Cllr John Martin a vacancy has occurred among the members of the Parish Council. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Clerk in writing (email is acceptable) on or before Friday 5th January… read more

Keevil Parish Council – More information/job description

Job Description for Clerk Vacancy Job Title: Clerk to the Council Accountable to: The Council via the Chairman of the Council Salary: LCI SCP 18 through 22 Hours: Part Time, 4 hours per week Overall responsibilities The Clerk will be the only Officer of the Council and as such is under a statutory duty to carry out all… read more

Keevil Parish Council

Vacancy for Clerk A vacancy will occur for a Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer. The current Clerk is looking to step down after 15 years in post, and the Parish Council is seeking to fill this important role from 1st January 2018. Keevil has 372 persons registered on the Electoral Roll and an Annual Precept of £6,500…. read more

Vacancy for new Parish Councillor

PARISH COUNCIL OF CHISELDON (Chiseldon and Lawn WARD)   VACANCY FOR A COUNCILLOR   There is a vacancy on the above Council caused by the resignation of Cllr Jane Beaumont.   A bye-election to fill these vacancies will be held if within 14 days (not counting a Saturday or Sunday or Bank Holiday) from the… read more

Requirement for a new Parish Councillor

Please click here for details of the vacancy the Parish Council have for a new Councillor. Enthusiasm for helping your local community and a little spare time is a must. We welcome new skills from all aspects of life to join the current team.  

Welcome to our New Councillor

Chiseldon Parish Council would like to welcome their new Councillor Matt Clarke. Matt has lived locally around Chiseldon and Wroughton all his life. Many of you will know him as the Chair of Chiseldon Football Club and the great work he does with all the youth teams (and adult teams) along with the rest of… read more