Government’s £150 energy rebate scheme

The Government recently announced that council tax payers in Bands A to D would receive a £150 payment to help with energy bills – this will not be taken off council tax bills but will instead be given as a separate payment. There will be a number of checks that need to be made before… read more

Local skills needed

The Parish Council are investigating the feasibility of removing the old Recreation Hall which is at the end of its life and replacing it with a new multi-purpose community space. This is at the very early stages but if you are local and have any skills or knowledge in this area, we’d welcome your assistance…. read more

Swindon Borough Council Ward Councillor surgeries

Chiseldon and Lawn Ward Cllrs Jenny Jefferies and William Horley will have their monthly surgeries the first Saturday of each month, 11.30 to 12.30 at the Patriot’s Arms pub on Draycott Road in Chiseldon.  All residents are welcome to attend to chat to Jenny and William about any local issues that concern them, or they… read more

Elections update

Cllr William Horley, Conservative Party was elected as the second Ward Cllr for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward. Cllr Gary Sumner, Conservative Party was re-elected as Ward Cllr for Ridgeway Ward which includes Badbury. The Police and Crime Commissioner candidate for the Conservative Party Jonathan Seed won the Wiltshire vote, however withdrew his application. The elections… read more

Introduction to the Parish

The Parish Council is pleased to welcome Jon Jackson as our newest Parish Councillor. Jon has lived in Badbury since 2018 with his wife and is interested in being able to help shape the future of the parish and community whilst maintaining its rural feel. We will be working with Jon to see where his… read more

New Councillors Co-opted

We are pleased to announce that 2 new Councillors were co-opted on Monday 11th Jan at our Full Council meeting. Pauline Barnes has lived in Chiseldon for 35 years with her family. Prior to retirement Pauline worked in many roles caring for others.  She has an interest in youth provision for the Parish and joins… read more

Chiseldon Councillor Vacancies

Chiseldon Parish Council needs you! We are calling for community heroes to put themselves forward for one of FIVE vacancies on our local Parish Council. We want people of all backgrounds and experience to represent the community and help #MakeAChange. There are five simple steps to becoming a Chiseldon Parish Councillor: Contact the clerk to… read more

Chiseldon Parish Council Celebrates Commitment to Real Living Wage

Chiseldon Parish Council has today accredited as a Living Wage Employer. Our Living Wage commitment will see everyone working at the council receive a minimum hourly wage of £9.30 in the UK or £10.75 in London. Both rates are significantly higher than the government minimum for over 25s, which currently stands at £8.72 per hour…. read more

Covid 19 Update

You can see the full newsletter here. Dear residents, The past few months have been a challenge for all of us but I’m incredibly proud of how the community across Swindon has rallied round to support one another. This newsletter can help you find out more about the important announcements made by the Government this… read more

Swindon Borough Council – Coronavirus Update

Latest Government Updates From Saturday (13 June) you will be able to: Adults living alone, or single parents with children under 18 – can form a support bubble with one other household. All those in the bubble will be able to act as if they live in the same household. This does not apply to those… read more

Welcome to Parish Councillor Andy Rogers

We want to welcome Andy Rogers as a Parish Councillor. Andy lives in Hodson with his family and has a background in medicinal products and devices. He hopes to contribute towards the improvement of the parish while maintaining its rural nature. Also, he aims to protect the green space within and around the parish as… read more

OFSTED praises Council’s adult learning scheme

 An education programme, which helps adult learners into training or employment, has been rated ‘Good’ with outstanding features by inspectors. Ofsted has today (26 May) delivered its verdict on Swindon Borough Council’s Adult Community Learning programme following an inspection in March. The Council is responsible for delivering adult learning programmes for people across the borough…. read more

Latest News and Information from Swindon Borough Council

Help for our shielded residents Over 5,000 residents of Swindon who have been advised to shield themselves to protect them from contracting coronavirus are being contacted again by the Council to inform them of the guidance around the delivery of food and medical supplies and to outline the support that is available for those experiencing loneliness… read more

COVID-19 update – Your Swindon

  Dealing with your waste responsibly It is more important than ever to deal with your waste responsibly. We need your help to keep our staff safe, and to minimise the amount of waste and recycling you put out for collection. Do not burn rubbish. We are investigating reports of bonfires See our daily report… read more

Eligible Swindon businesses to receive business rate relief from next month

Swindon businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality industry who are eligible for the Government’s 12-month business rate holiday will see it reflected in their bills from next month. Swindon Borough Council will be administering the financial help to all firms who qualify following a package of support announced by the Chancellor yesterday evening (17… read more