Have your say on the future of Swindon’s library service

***This has the potential to effect the Chiseldon mobile library and also Wroughton Library*** Swindon Borough Council is running a consultation on the future of the library service from 1st August to 30th September For more info visit www.swindon.gov.uk/librariesfuture A public meeting will be held 6th September, 7pm-9pm, St Josephs College, Ocotal Way. The Council… read more

Community Governance Review Engagement

The document below provides information on the current review that is in processes. There is a list of public meetings that are happening in the area for residents to attend. Going to www.swindon.gov.uk/parishes will provide you with maps, information and forms. There are also links available for the on-line feedback form and an email address… read more

Contact details for Robert Buckland MP

“Robert Buckland is your local MP.  If you would like to make an appointment to raise a local or national issue with him, please do not hesitate to contact his office on 01793 533393 or send an email to Robert.buckland.mp@parliament.uk”

Public survey on planters in the village

Public opinion wanted please: The Parish Council are discussing flower planters in the Parish and wanted parishioners opinion please: 1) Should the PC finance some planters? 2) Do we think they will be vandalised? 3) Where shall we put them?… 4) There will need a certain amount of maintenance and watering – would anyone like… read more

Annual Reports from Parish Meeting 16th May 2016

Please click on the links below to read the reports given at the Annual Parish meeting on the 16th May 2016 at the Chiseldon House Hotel. The Parish Council would like to thank the hotel for all their help and generosity in setting up the venue for us for the evening. We took the decision… read more

Change to May Parish Council Meeting dates

In amendment to earlier publications we would like to advise the following meeting changes: There will be NO Recreation meeting on Monday 16th May The May Environment meeting will now be held on Thursday 19th May at 7.00pm in the Old Chapel The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 23rd… read more

Annual Parish Meeting for Chiseldon Parish – Monday 16th May

                             Notice of Meeting: The Annual Parish Meeting for Chiseldon Parish will be held on Monday 16th May at 6.30pm at Chiseldon House Hotel.  All Residents are invited to attend. Teas/Coffees and biscuits to be served from 6.30pm, and the hotel will open their bar for drinks to be purchased. Meeting commences at 7.00pm We… read more

Borough Councillors’ Surgery

Please note that the next Borough Councillors’ Surgery will take place on the 2nd April, between 11.30am and 12.30pm in the Old Chapel, Butts Road. The Surgery is your chance to raise issues and concerns with representatives of both Swindon Borough Council and Chiseldon Parish Council.

Clerk’s office closed

Please note that the Clerk’s office will be closed on Good Friday, and also on the morning of Wednesday 30th March. Thank you.

Precept for 2016-17

Please see the attached document for information about the Chiseldon Parish Council precept (which forms part of your Council Tax bill) for 2016-17.

Change of start time for March meeting

Please note that this month’s Full Council meeting on the 14th March will start one hour earlier than usual, at 6.30pm, in the Recreation Hall. This is to allow for a very busy schedule.