Opening hours for the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)

Residents are being reminded that the opening hours for the Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC) will change from 8th May. Swindon Borough Council’s Cabinet agreed to change the opening times at its meeting last month in order to save £96,000 a year in operational costs. Under the new arrangements, the recycling centre will be open… read more

IMPORTANT – Castle View Play area

IMPORTANT MESSAGE – The playground on Castle View Road has a damaged piece of equipment. One of the wooden top bars of the climbing areas has broken. The equipment is currently on the floor. Our contractors are visiting at 9.00am tomorrow to remove the wooden bar and unattach the ropes to make the area safe…. read more

Green waste collections

One of our Councillors has just made me aware of some changes to the green waste collection service from SBC. The links are here just in case you experience any collection issues.

Dog Fouling – how to report it.

We have been talking to SBC about the problem with dog mess and they have asked that people report in any problem areas; if anyone witnesses someone letting their dog foul the grass areas or pavements, or spot a regular pattern of this occurring. That way they know to target the areas for regular warden… read more

Pubs pitch in for litter pick day on 4th March

All our local pubs have now confirmed that they will provide free tea/coffee to the volunteers working on the litter pick on 4th March – well done and thanks to our local hostelries! Calley Arms at Hodson Patriot’s Arms in Chiseldon The Plough on the Hill Bakers Arms in Badbury. Wear your yellow hi vis… read more

Unattended dog seen fouling green at Castle View Road

This dog was seen on the Castle View Road Green yesterday, without an owner. The dog also had a poo on 3 separate occasions which were therefor left on the green as there was no owner to clean up. If you are the owner of this dog please consider how letting your dog roam and… read more

Friends of the Railway Path update

A quick reminder about the workday on Sunday 5th February, at 10:00.  We will be working to improve the condition of the Site of Special Scientific Interest in the Old Town Railway Cutting in Swindon.  This is also on route 45 of the National Cycle Network. We’ll meet at 10:00 at the foot of the… read more

Dog mess on Castle View Road green area

To the 1% of dog walkers who do not clean up after their dogs and put their dogs mess in the red dog bin provided – Chiseldon Parish Council would have no choice but to ban dogs from this area if the situation doesn’t improve. It is obvious that children use this area so please… read more


Just a reminder that SBC may not take cardboard with the recycling collections if it’s not folded or broken up inside the boxes and also must be dry. Black plastic is also not recyclable in Swindon so please don’t add it to your plastic recycling. Thanks

Friends of the Path workday update

Just had a lovely long morning out in the warm (yes!) sunshine.  We completed c.15m of hedge (you can see below something of the difference) and said hello to a lot of passersby out enjoying themselves in various way. I’ll send round shortly a list of future dates. Best wishes Dick

Street lights dimmed in the Borough

Report from our Ward Cllr – a number of streets in certain area in the Borough are having their lights dimmed between 00.00 – 05.00 from the 23rd. January. We are not affected but details will be in the papers shortly.

Chiseldon Conservation Area

Did you know that a lot of Chiseldon is contained in a conservation area? Did you know this might impact on work you decide to do to your property? Did you know this might change when you need to apply for planning permission and what will be granted by Swindon Borough Council. The map is… read more

Message from Friends of the Railway Path

There are several things for me to say early in the new year.   Firstly, our next workday will be on Sunday 22nd January, meeting at 10:00.  We will be hedge laying again, south of Coate Water.  I will send another note round when I have all the details worked out.   Secondly, we now… read more

Waste Removal

Waste removal. Our contractor AllBuild who do our bins, grass cutting and small fly tipping removal will be very happy to quote any homeowners who need rubbish removing. You can reach Lee on 07810 317 333.

Dog Fouling on New Road verges

New Road grass verges seem to have a problem with dog fouling at the moment. Please please please can everyone bring bags with them and clear up after their dogs. If anyone knows someone not on this Facebook page who might not know the dangers of dog mess to human’s – please advise them of… read more

Fly tipping at Ladysmith Road and Car park near Farm Shop

We have been notified that these 2 incidents of fly tipping have now been cleared by SBC. Please keep reporting any issues so we can get them dealt with. The Parish Council can clear small loads, but we need to report to SBC for large loads to be cleared.  

Fly tipping at Ladysmith Road

Ward Cllr Eric Shaw has updated us with regards to the fly tipped rubbish that remains on Ladysmith Road – “Unfortunately the due date is by the 19/01/2017, I can only ask if it can be done earlier given its location” We will update you if we hear any more from SBC on this.