Council will not pursue legal action over Wroughton development

Council opts not to take legal action over Marlborough Road development following expert advice Swindon Borough Council will not challenge the Government’s decision to allow 103 homes to be built off Marlborough Road in Wroughton, after seeking legal advice from a top planning barrister. The proposed development was initially refused by the Council’s planning committee… read more

More news from the Washpool Area Conservation Project

We’ve received the following from the Washpool Area Restoration Project (please note that the WARP are an independent organisation and not part of Chiseldon Parish Council): Our next Conservation Day is coming up on Sunday 17 September and we’ll be on site from around 10am until the early afternoon. There are a variety of jobs… read more

News from The Washpool

We’ve received the following update from the Washpool Area Restoration Project (please note that the WARP are an independent organisation and not part of Chiseldon Parish Council): We’re pleased to report that the Washpool Area Restoration Project recently received some welcome publicity, with two articles about our work appearing in the Swindon Advertiser (both pieces… read more

Lydiard Park – one of the best green spaces in the UK

The following is an extract from Swindon Borough Council’s Member’s Bulletin, 20th July 2017:   Lydiard Park Is Flying The Flag As One Of The UK’s Very Best Green Spaces Lydiard Park has been recognised by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy as one of the very best in the world. The Swindon Borough Council-owned park… read more

Butts Road Cemetery Review

The Parish Council are doing an internal review of the cemetery to ensure it remains safe for visitors, staff and contractors. One of the first things we will be looking at is the use of any vases or other decoration that are made of glass and porcelain, which present a danger if broken and are… read more

Butterfly walk: Sunday 30th July

Here is Dick Millard’s reflections on the Butterfly Walk that took place on 30th July: Nine of us assembled in rather unpromising, damp and cloudy conditions.  Miraculously, the sun came out and within a minute the first butterfly appeared.  We saw seven different species, together with two species of bumblebee and one of caterpillar.  One… read more

Please ensure graves meet cemetery regulations

The Parish Council will be undertaking a long term review of the Butts Road cemetery to ensure graves are conforming to regulations. Please take a look at the regulations to ensure any grave you tend is not contravening these. Cemetery regulations.

Public Rights of Way – please help to keep them clear

The Council maintains over 400km of public footpaths and bridleways. Some of these are surfaced paths within the urban area of the borough but many pass through the fields and countryside around the town. Those fields are often cultivated by farmers to produce food for people or farm animals and, unfortunately, sometimes the footpaths and… read more

Butterfly Walk – Sunday 30th July

We’re passing on the following message from Dick Millard regarding the forthcoming Butterfly Walk: We are repeating a visit to a nice patch of chalk grassland growing in a cutting at the side of the Path just north of Ogbourne St George.  The diverse flora attracts butterflies and moths, and on a sunny day in… read more

Muck spreading smell in Chiseldon Village

Reply to letter Robert Buckland MP sent to SBC: (Environment agency log number and contact details are within this letter)   Dear Mr Buckland Thank you for your email, which Mr Jenkins has forwarded to me as his line manager and the manager ordinarily responsible for such things. I understand your distress; ‘biosolids’ as this… read more

Consultation on PSPO to tackle dog fouling

Consultation launched on proposed PSPO to tackle dog fouling On Monday (19 June) the Council launched a consultation on bringing in a new Public Space Protection Order to help tackle dog fouling in the borough. Since its launched there have already been over 200 responses. To find out more and have your say visit the… read more

Illegal camping at Washpool

Illegal camping at Washpool – PC Emma Turner has visited the illegal camp site and seen the mess caused but there was no evidence of anyone returning. The police would like to be kept informed of any similar activity in the area so please call 101 if you spot anything. (Or 999 if you think… read more

Fertilizer on fields during summer

There have been various queries about the stockpiling of fertilizer along Ladysmith Road in preparation for it being spread on the fields. The landowner has confirmed to the Parish Council that all relevant permits and forms are in place to allow this to happen.   Unfortunately due to the timing this year of the hot… read more

How to report fly-tipping of hazardous waste

We would like to clarify the fastest way for residents to get a response to fly-tipping that includes hazardous waste, such as needles. Unfortunately, Chiseldon Parish Council is not equipped to deal with hazardous waste, and so reporting this directly to Swindon Borough Council is much quicker. If you come across potentially hazardous waste –… read more

Friends of the Railway Path workday

Dick Millard writes about the Railway Path workday: Six of us spent a useful day on the Railway Path earlier today.  The recent wind has been tossing things about, and we came across a lot of branches and small trees that needed moving away from the path.  All very tangled at times.  We met lots… read more

Friends of the Railway Path workday, 11th 2017

Friends of the Railway Path workday Our next workday will be on Sunday 11th June, starting at 10:00.  We’ll be working on the stretch south of Ogbourne St Andrew: the map below shows the meeting point near SU 188 717.  This is on the farm track leading to the path from the main road to… read more