Swindon Heritage Action Zone 2019-2024

You may have heard that last year SBC Planning team submitted a bid to Historic England for Heritage Action Zone (HAZ) status for the Railway Village. The bid was successful and only the second HAZ in the South West. Historic England will work with us over the next five years to revitalise this treasured area… read more

Community can get involved in new Swindon urban meadows project

A project to enhance urban meadows and forest habitats while improving people’s health and wellbeing is about to be launched in Swindon. Swindon Borough Council has teamed up with Wiltshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) to deliver the three-year programme, the Forest Meadows Project, which will include 12 sites within the borough covering more than 170 hectares…. read more

Young Wardens scheme back for summer holidays

Around 80 children will be putting their summer holidays to good use when they take part in a free education programme from next week. Swindon Borough Council’s Young Wardens scheme, which is in its eleventh year, is a fun and educational, month-long programme of activities for the children of Council tenants. Aimed at children aged… read more

Corsley Wildflower Meadow

The sites visited in Chiseldon were at the Washpool managed by WARP and at the Butts Road cemetery managed by Chiseldon Parish Council, invited by WARP as part of the “Save Our Magnificent Meadows Initiative”

Wildfires And Open Fires

Here are also some key wildfire messages from South East England Wildfire group to use of the summer Extinguish cigarettes properly, don’t throw cigarette ends on the ground or out of car windows – take your litter home. Avoid open fires in the countryside. Always have them in safe designated areas. If you see a… read more

Changes to waste and recycling collections

To help Swindon recycle as much as possible we will be rolling out a number of service changes from August which are explained below. We have also sent everyone an essential guide to waste and recycling in the post but if you have misplaced it, more are available to pick up in your local Swindon… read more

Essential road upgrades will start in October to enable 8,000-home development to go ahead

Major highway improvements designed to facilitate the construction of new housing communities will begin in earnest over the next few months. The schemes are part of a £72m programme of road improvement works which will be taking place over the course of the next few years to ensure vital infrastructure is in place before new… read more

Important changes to your waste and recycling services are coming

Swindon will take a significant step towards expanding its recycling services by introducing a trial collection of separate food waste recycling. The trial is being introduced as part of the Council’s 10-year waste strategy, which outlines its commitment to protecting the environment and managing the borough’s waste and recycling responsibly, and is one of a… read more

Washpool Restoration

The Washpool restoration started in 2007. The stream was very much at the centre of village life over the centuries, with several cottages and a mill located along its length.

Your Swindon May E-Newsletter

Lets sort it out together Sorting your recycling into separate boxes makes it much safer and quicker for our crews and means they can move to the next street faster, reducing the impact on local traffic. Sorting your recycling is simple. Put paper and cardboard in one box and glass, metal and aerosols in another…. read more

Residents are encouraged to sort their recycling

A month-long campaign to help Swindon Borough Council’s recycling crews sort residents’ waste quickly and more efficiently is being launched today (13 May). The recycling box sorting campaign aims to increase the number of residents who are sorting their waste into two or more boxes. The campaign will be the first of a series initiatives… read more

Reminder to keep gas cylinder Safe

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service is reminding the operators of both industrial and agricultural buildings to manage any gas cylinders on site properly and safely. The Service has dealt with a number of fires so far this year involving barns and storage sheds containing gas cylinders. Station Manager Graham Kewley, from the Fire… read more

Safety Warning For Enjoying The Countryside

With the Easter holidays underway and the May bank holidays fast approaching, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service is reminding the public to take care when out and about. When good weather combines with children being off school, it’s natural that families will want to enjoy the sunshine, especially in our beautiful local countryside…. read more