Great British Spring Clean 2020

On Saturday 28th March in the morning, the Parish Council will be organising the annual litter pick in conjunction with the “Great British Spring Clean”. Please put this date in your diary and let us know if you can join us. Amazing offer from the Chiseldon House hotel. If you take part in the Annual… read more

Council commits to carbon neutrality by 2030

Swindon Borough Council has committed to going carbon neutral by 2030 as councillors step up the fight against climate change. At a meeting of the Full Council last night (23 Jan), members unanimously agreed a motion committing the Council to reduce its corporate carbon emissions, with the aim of making the Council’s estate and activities… read more

Recycle for Charity

Donate your used inkjet cartridges with us and raise money for the Wiltshire Search and Rescue. Each inkjet cartridge will get £1 for the charity. You can either put them in the box located at the Chapel office or post them to us using envelopes that you can pick up from the office. Contact us… read more

Improvements to the Railway Path

Improvements complete for path linking Swindon to Marlborough You may have noticed quite a bit of work on the path recently, undertaken by Sustrans: there’s some new surface, new benches and signing and quite a lot of tree management. We hope this makes the path easier and more enjoyable. There’s an article about it in… read more

Get hunting!

Dear Supporter When you are next out on a walk, get involved with Plantlife’s Great British Wildflower Hunt. It’s so simple and a great introduction to wild flowers around us. Register quickly here then next time you are out, login and see what you can find. It’s great fun for all the family! Whether you… read more

Another 40 Yards

We had a lovely time laying more hedge: see the before and after photos below. In the “before” picture, you can see part of last year’s laying, now sprouting away: and the section that we laid stretching away into the distance. We also planted up a short gap using some donated plants. I hope to… read more

Hodson Road improvements

Ground investigations for the failing embankment at Hodson Road started last Monday. Our contractors have been drilling boreholes and installing equipment that will enable the embankment to be monitored remotely. The road will be open later today (22 November).

AGM and Update on Planning Application

You are invited to The South Swindon Protection Group AGM on Monday 18th November 2019. Venue: Wanborough Village Hall Time: 7.30 PM The AGM should be completed within 20 minutes,and then we hope to open the meeting to give an update on the Inlands Farm planning application and unveil our new video. Agenda For AGM… read more

Information Boards on the Railway Path

The Friends of the Railway Path are delighted to have all 3 of the information boards installed along the Railway Path. One tells the story of Chiseldon Camp, the military camp active from 1914 until 1962. A second shows the flowers and butterflies that can be found in the cutting near Whitefield Farm. The third… read more

Norris Close Green Letter

Dear Resident You will undoubtedly be aware that a number of complaints had been received by the Parish Council in relation to vehicles being driven onto the Norris Close green area on a regular basis and the suggestion of adding a planter to the eastern end of the green to prevent vehicles from damaging nearby… read more

Friends of the Railway Path Open Meeting and AGM

This year’s Friends of the Railway Path Open Meeting and AGM will be held: At 7pm on Thursday 17th October In the Three Trees Farm Shop and Café, Chiseldon, SN4 0HT (directions and map available here) Anyone is welcome to attend. We’ll review what’s been happening along the path during the year, and sketch out… read more

Nationwide hard at work

A volunteer team from Nationwide have worked hard today to clear the path between Badbury and Badbury Bottom. Our Badbury Cllr Denise Rogers has given them hot drinks and pointed them in the direction of the pub for lunch.

Travel Plans Supplementary Planning Document: Drop-in Consultation sessions

Swindon Borough Council proposes to update its travel plans guidance for developers and is now seeking feedback during the six-week consultation period. The aim of the draft document is to provide consistency across future developments in Swindon and will strengthen powers to ensure that travel plans get implemented robustly over the long term. This will… read more