Allotment Plots

From January the Parish Council may have some allotment plots free to rent. If you would like a plot or like to be put on the waiting list (first come first served basis) then please email

How to order additional Recycling boxes

To order additional boxes contact SBC on 01793 445500 and make your request.  You will be given a reference number. You can then wait approx 2 weeks for the boxes to be delivered to your home, or go to the recycling centre at Chaney Manor and collect them using your reference number.

Changes to waste collection days from 31st Oct

Changes to waste collection days to start next week Residents are being asked to ensure they have read important information from Swindon Borough Council regarding potential changes to the day their household waste, recycling and garden waste is collected. From next Monday (31 October), new waste collection routes will come into force which will affect… read more

Dog bins

A reminder that on our “Local Community” page of this website there is a list of the 16 dog waste bins that the Parish Council provide for use. Please familiarise yourself with this list.  Many thanks

Eastern Villages Planning obligation document available to view.

We have a large document in the Butts Road Chapel relating to the New Eastern Villages Planning obligations. It contains a revised draft supplimentary planning document, illustrative master plan, village proformas, and infrastructure requirements. There is a public consultation available until 18th August. The document can be viewed during the Parish office opening hours, or… read more

Grass cutting in 2 cemeteries

The contractors who are responsibly for the grass at the two cemeteries have advised that due to the sudden growing spurt (from rain and then sun) the grass was very long which meant the self mulching mowers could not work as effectively as they normally do. We are looking at this with the contractors to… read more

Ash Dieback Disease

The Parish Council recently received an enquiry about plans to handle any occurence of ash dieback disease. This document gives more information about symptoms and treatment of affected trees.

Grass cutting

We have received the following update, from Swindon Borough Council, about the schedule for grass cutting in the villages. After a record breaking mild/wet autumn and winter period, many of the grass verges around the borough are exceptionally long for the start of the new mowing season. In addition, the wet weather over the winter… read more

Heritage forum

If you are interested in the historic landscape that surrounds our villages then you might like to attend the North Wessex Downs Heritage Forum on 23 March, in Lambourn. This one day event costs just £5 and includes a guided walk. To find out more please see the event flyer.

Conservation work

If you would like to help conserve the countryside that surrounds our Parish then there are two opportunities to do so in the coming weeks. The first is a Washpool workday, taking place on Sunday 17 January between 10am and 3pm. If you can spare half an hour or more then the Washpool team will… read more

Waste collections over the Christmas period

The following notices have been received from Swindon Borough Council. Residents due to have a collection of plastic on Monday 28 December should store these items until the next scheduled collection in January 2016. Recycling boxes will be collected between Tuesday 29 December and Saturday 2 January. Refuse bins will be collected on either Wednesday… read more


A couple of times each year the Parish Council organises a village clean-up, as a way of helping to keep our village tidy.The next clean-up is planned for Saturday 31 October. If you would be willing to help please meet at the Strouds Hill car park at 10am. Litter pickers, bags and gloves will be… read more

Plans to increase cycling in the Swindon area

A major plan which aims to double the number of cycling trips made in Swindon over the next ten years, and make cycling a normal part of everyday life for most people, is now open for comments from the public. The Swindon Cycling Framework, which has been drawn up by cycling groups and Swindon Borough… read more

Want to have your say on what’s important to village life?

The Parish Plan Steering Group is currently preparing a programme of consultation activities that will run from October 2015 to February 2016. The aim of this consultation is to identify what parishioners value about our villages, what they dislike and where they wish to see improvements. The first set of activities will be three ‘place… read more

Notes for Dog Owners

This website has recently been updated and two maps have been added, showing the location of the 15 bins that we provide for the disposal of dog waste. Please make use of these bins when out walking your dogs and don’t leave waste behind, or deposit it in the general refuse bins.  We are a… read more