Skills Bootcamps by Work Wiltshire

Skills Bootcamps is available free of charge for individual learners who are job searching and looking to improve their skills. It is also available for self employed people who are looking to progress their business. Employers can also pay (at a discounted cost) to enrol their staff onto a Skills Bootcamps course. Gain new skills… read more

Chiseldon Primary School first aid course

The Parish Council was delighted to hear that everyone had a great time on the first aid course at Chiseldon Primary School. The council worked with the school and Headstart Skillz to fund this day’s training from our grants and donations fund. We hope there are some future nurses, paramedics and doctors there now! The… read more

Young people in Swindon to benefit from anti-social behaviour reduction programme

Hundreds of young people in Swindon benefit from programme designed to reduce anti-social behaviour Swindon Borough Council has used funding from the Government’s Safer Streets Fund to commission programmes to be run in schools and colleges to help educate students and reduce anti-social behaviour. The Council was given £1.4m in the latest round of funding,… read more

Free Courses from the Prince’s Trust Team Programme

CPC has received the following message, which we’re passing on for the benefit of our residents: I am emailing on behalf of Inner Flame. We’re a local youth charity that delivers the Prince’s Trust Team Programme to 16-25 year old youths in the Swindon and Wiltshire area. We’d love to work with the parish councils,… read more

Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow 2021

The Swindon Preparing for Adulthood Transitions Roadshow 2021 will be run as a virtual event, from Monday 20th to Friday 24th September. There will be presentations from a wide range of organisations throughout the week, and a full timetable with joining instructions, will be published on the Local Offer, and through other communications channels in… read more

Update from Steve Maddern, Director of Public Health

Earlier this week the Government introduced a three tiered system of local ‘COVID Alert Levels’ in England. Every area of England now falls into three categories – medium, high or very high, depending on the local rate of infection. As Swindon’s infection rate currently remains significantly below the average in England, it falls under the… read more

Parents urged by Council to apply now for school places

Parents and carers with children entering primary, junior or secondary school for the first time next year are being advised by Swindon Borough Council that they now need to apply for school places for them. This year, the Council was able to give 95 per cent of applicants their first preference of primary school and… read more

Volunteers Needed to Listen to Schoolchildren Read

Additional information: Schoolreaders is a national charity which recruits volunteers to go into schools that have asked for our help. We match them to a local primary school. Volunteers go in once a week to listen to children read, which has proved very successful before lockdown: at the beginning of March. we had 12,500 being… read more

Money Saving Expert and the Open University (OU)

There is a joint initiative between the Money Saving Expert and the Open University (OU) for anyone who may want to dedicate some time to improve their financial knowledge. You can complete as many sessions as you like, each one will take about two hours with a mix of info, exercises, explanatory videos from Martin… read more