Castle View Play Area

The Parish Council will not be opening the Castle View play area until the council has discussed the requirements and implications at the full council meeting on 13th July.  The council will only open the area if they believe it will be safe to do so. You can contact the Clerk for more information on… read more

Covid 19 Update

You can see the full newsletter here. Dear residents, The past few months have been a challenge for all of us but I’m incredibly proud of how the community across Swindon has rallied round to support one another. This newsletter can help you find out more about the important announcements made by the Government this… read more

Notice from Ridgeway View Family Practice

We have received the following communicationn from Ridgeway View Family Practice: The latest Government advice is to wear face coverings in enclosed public spaces: face coverings may be beneficial where it is hard to follow social distancing measures and you are more likely to come into contact with people you do not normally meet. With… read more

Swindon Borough Council – Coronavirus Update

Latest Government Updates From Saturday (13 June) you will be able to: Adults living alone, or single parents with children under 18 – can form a support bubble with one other household. All those in the bubble will be able to act as if they live in the same household. This does not apply to those… read more

Businesses in Swindon can now apply for Discretionary Grant Funding

Eligible firms in Swindon are now able to apply for the Discretionary Grant Fund provided by the Government in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The funding will allow some small businesses in the town who have not previously been eligible for other government grant schemes to access critical support. The Government has advised that the… read more

Additional help for residents claiming council tax support

Working Age people claiming council tax support in Swindon are eligible for a further one-off grant following additional funding from the Government. Swindon Borough Council has been allocated just over £1.3m in funding from the Government to help working age council tax claimants who are struggling as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government… read more

National Volunteers Week Marked by Tribute

Members of Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum have marked National Volunteers’ Week by paying tribute Members of Wiltshire and Swindon Local Resilience Forum have marked National Volunteers’ Week by paying tribute to all those who have given their time and expertise for free during the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hundreds of people across… read more

Brighter Futures Newsletter

You can view the latest Brighter Futures newsletter, including details of the Covid-19 support appeal, from the link below. Brighter Futures newsletter

Neighbourhood Watch Week 7-13th June 2020

Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association Neighbourhood Watch Week 7-13th June 2020 We have seen a surge in neighbourliness as people look out for the vulnerable and talk to their neighbours more than ever – a silver lining to the cloud COVID-19 has cast over our daily lives.  In recognition of such a magnificent response, the theme of… read more

Council encourages residents to get active and raise money for local cause

People in Swindon are being encouraged to get active, set their own challenges and donate to the Wiltshire and Swindon Coronavirus Response Appeal. Swindon Borough Council is asking residents to support Wiltshire Community Foundation’s coronavirus appeal after its own staff took up the challenge last month. Since 10 May, council staff have been taking part… read more

Plans being put in place to re-open town centre safely

Teams across the Council are working hard to make sure safety measures are in place to allow more shops to re-open from next Monday (15 June). In line with government guidance, preparations are being made to enable the re-opening of more retailers which have been closed during the pandemic. Following the Government’s announcement that non-essential… read more

Brighter Futures Newsletter

COVID-19 Support Appeal Update We would like to say a big thank you to everybody who has supported us during the last six weeks during these unprecedented times. So far donations to our COVID-19 Support Appeal has reached £73,219.52.  This includes a grant from NHS Charities together of £35,000 which we have gratefully received. Not… read more

Latest Government Updates on Covid-19

From Monday (1 June) groups of six can meet outside, including in private gardens and outdoor spaces, provided people from separate households stay two metres apart. Find out more People who have been told to shield must continue until 30 June 2020 The NHS Test and Trace service will begin emailing, phoning and texting people… read more

Councillors doing their bit to help those in need

  Councillors in Swindon have been giving up their time to deliver food supplies to vulnerable people in the borough. Members of Swindon Borough Council, from different political parties, have been out and about delivering boxes of essential supplies to those who can’t get out to do their own shopping. Since the country went into… read more

Free childcare on offer to parents and carers over May half-term

Parents and carers who have been classed as key workers can take advantage of further free childcare courtesy of Swindon Borough Council during May half-term. The Council provided up to 30 hours of funded childcare to 476 children over the Easter holidays to help critical workers carry out vital work during the current COVID-19 crisis…. read more