Solar Together – Wiltshire & Swindon scheme that offers solar panels and battery storage at reduced costs.

Following the success of the 2022 and 2023 schemes, Wiltshire Council and Swindon Borough Council are working in partnership with iChoosr, independent experts in group buying, to launch the third Solar Together scheme. Solar Together gives residents the opportunity to invest in renewable energy from a trusted provider to save on energy costs and improve… read more

Council Tax: common questions answered

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has today (10 April) published information explaining the process for challenging a Council Tax band and answering some common questions The VOA has also recently published a blog explaining how it values properties built after the Council Tax valuation date. The blog sets out what evidence the VOA uses when… read more

2024/25 Council Tax bills

From Friday, 8 March, hard copies of 2024/25 Council Tax bills will start to be delivered to Swindon households. From that date, updated information will also be available on the Council’s website to help residents understand the composition of their bill and find out more about the council’s income and expenditure. We’re also encouraging residents… read more

Pension Credit

Hundreds of thousands of pensioners across England could pocket an extra £299 if they claim Pension Credit. Those who successfully apply for Pension Credit by next Tuesday (5 March) could also secure a further £299 boost in the form of a Cost of Living payment thanks to backdating rules. Pension Credit, which averages over £3,900… read more

Vulnerable people encouraged to seek help with energy bills

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is today (26 January) encouraging people struggling with the cost of energy bills this winter to contact their council about the financial help available from DWP’s Household Support Fund. The fund can be used to make homes more energy efficient, as well as help households with bills. Councils… read more

The Great British Rail Sale returns – ends soon

On 20 January, the Department for Transport announced that passengers will have from 23 to 29 January to claim up to 50% off selected advance and off-peak rail tickets, through the Great British Rail Sale. Over a million discounted tickets will be available to destinations across England and Wales, as well as on cross-border trips… read more

Families encouraged to check for local cost-of-living support

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has today (16 October) announced that more than three million households will be informed that they qualify for the Warm Home Discount. The automatic one-off £150 payment will help eligible, low-income customers in England, Scotland and Wales pay their energy bills over the winter. The government is today… read more