How to challenge your Council Tax band: a step-by-step guide

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is responsible for making sure that properties across England and Wales are in the correct Council Tax band. As Council Tax bills are being issued, VOA expects to see an increase in people challenging their band over the coming months. Individuals thinking about challenging their Council Tax band should note… read more

Hundreds of council houses to receive £30m worth of energy efficiency improvements

Work is underway to deliver £30m of energy efficiency improvements to hundreds of Council-owned homes across Swindon, as part of the Council’s work to invest in the maintenance and improvement of its housing stock. The rollout of retrofit improvements over the next five years include UPVC window and door upgrades, roof replacements and upgrading gas… read more

Citizen’s Advice Drop In Sessions

From Citizen’s Advice: Are you worried about rising household costs? Come and speak to an Advice and Financial First Aider at: Central Library: Friday 28 March, 10.00 – 12.00 Highworth Library: Monday 24 March, 10.00 – 11.30 North Swindon Library: Wednesday 26 March, 10.00 – 12.00 West Swindon Library: Friday 7th March, 10.00 – 11.30 Find out what they can… read more

Residents to hammer down on home improvements with new Council-run library

It is now possible for people in Swindon to borrow DIY and gardening equipment thanks to a new library offered by Swindon Borough Council’s Housing team. Working in partnership with Enterprise Works, a timber and fencing supplier committed to providing supported employment to adults with learning difficulties, and the Tenant Academy, the Council’s new Library of Things service… read more

Changes to grass cutting.

We received an updated cost list from our contractor in Nov 2024, for the 2025 grass cutting season. The costs were expected to be around £3000 extra per annum. After looking at the service for grass cutting that is currently provided, and the existing budget and proposed 2025/26 budget and precept, the EGPA committee made… read more

Support available for residents struggling to pay their Council Tax bill

A free service to help residents pay their Council Tax bill if they are struggling financially has been launched by Swindon Borough Council. First Steps is a new service that offers non-judgemental and supportive advice, providing residents with help to overcome any difficulties they have which may affect their ability to pay their tax bills…. read more

New parents encouraged to claim Child Benefit online

Today, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding new parents to claim child benefit online to get their first payment before Christmas. Child Benefit can be claimed online or via the HMRC app just 48 hours after registering a baby’s birth and parents typically receive their first payment within three working days. To get started,… read more

Households urged to check eligibility for winter support schemes

From 1 November, households in England and Wales receiving certain benefits including Pension Credit could be eligible for extra money to help keep warm during the cold weather until the end of March 2025. The Department for Work and Pensions’ Cold Weather Payments are an automatic bank top-up of £25, triggered to be paid to… read more

Christmas Care at the Haven Day Centre

Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. Since 1988, Christmas Care have been providing food and… read more

Household eligibility for winter support schemes

On 1st November, the Department for Work and Pensions and Department for Energy Security and Net Zero  reminded households receiving certain benefits, including Pension Credit, that they could be eligible for extra money to help keep warm during the cold weather until the end of March 2025. DWP’s Cold Weather Payments are an automatic bank… read more

Reminder for families to claim child benefit

Child Benefit is worth up to £1,331 a year for the first child and £881 for each additional child. Claims can be made 48 hours after the baby’s birth has been registered. With payments made within three days, this means parents could receive their first payment within a week. Claims can also be backdated for… read more

Young people reminded to claim their Child Trust Fund

HM Revenue and Customs is reminding 18 to 22-year-olds to claim their Child Trust Fund. Child Trust Funds are long term, tax-free savings accounts which were set up, with the government depositing £250, for every child born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011. Young people can take control of their Child Trust Fund… read more

Free women’s and children’s vitamins

Eligible families can come to the Chapel Office on New Road in Chiseldon,  on Mondays and Wednesdays between 11.30 to 2.30pm with their NHS Healthy Start card to collect their free women’s and children’s vitamins. Please see the images below for details.