Lorries at the Patriot Arm’s roundabout on Draycot Road

The Parish Council are aware of the number of lorries using this route through Chiseldon Village and the dangers this can cause to pedestrians.  We are working within the Environment Committee and Swindon Borough Council to find a resolution that is acceptable to all parties. Comments on this subject are welcome to the Clerk via our… read more

Proposed library cuts meeting in Wroughton

Proposed cuts to the library Service: A public meeting has been organised by Wroughton Parish Council for Thursday 18th August, in the Christine Spooncer Suite at the Ellendune Community Centre at 7pm . Wroughton Parish Council will run through the proposed option for Wroughton library. The Swindon Borough Council library Officer will be attending the… read more

How to respond to the Chiseldon Parish Plan

If you wish to respond to the Parish Plan leaflet that was recently delivered you can either: email chiseldonplan@gmail.com including your location and age. You do not need to add your name and email addresses are protected. Complete the form on-line at www.chiseldonlhg.org.uk Post your form to: 26 Turnball, Chiseldon, SN4 0LJ. Post it in… read more

Public views on Library Consultations

Please visit www.swindonnews.org.uk to see details of how you can attend one of the drop in events being held so members of the public can have their say on Swindon Borough Council’s new library strategy. These events run from 3rd August to 26th September.  

Change to Salisbury Red’s X5 Service

Please use these links for the Swindon Advertiser article and the Salisbury Red’s X5 article Please note that the article doesn’t mention that this service will also no longer go to the Train Station at Swindon. As a result of this change the Swindon to Salisbury service time has gone from 136 minutes to 112… read more

Police Community Messaging Box at the Spar

We’d like to say thank you to Oakley’s Spar who have supported the Police with the installation of the community messaging box. You can use this box to post any information (anonymously or otherwise) you feel the police should know about. Officers will empty this box when they do their patrol’s of the area.  … read more

Eastern Villages Planning obligation document available to view.

We have a large document in the Butts Road Chapel relating to the New Eastern Villages Planning obligations. It contains a revised draft supplimentary planning document, illustrative master plan, village proformas, and infrastructure requirements. There is a public consultation available until 18th August. The document can be viewed during the Parish office opening hours, or… read more

Help for Bumblebee’s

Please take a look at this link for ways you can help bumblebees, information and children’s activities – all available to download and use. http://bumblebeeconservation.org/about-us/resources/

Property and vehicle security

The local Police have asked us to remind residents to continue to be vigilant with regards to securing the properties and vehicles against thefts, break-ins and burglaries. Please make sure you don’t leave vehicle keys in view of your front door or windows and make sure all entry points to your homes are secure. Please… read more

Bus Services Consultation

Bus Services Consultation Wiltshire Council have held a consultation in regards to a reduction in the bus services we would see in Chiseldon Parish. The Parish Council would like to know your views on what buses you use, what stops you get on and off at and how often you use them. As a result… read more

Annual Accounts Audit for the Parish Council

As part of our financial obligations Chiseldon Parish Council undergo an yearly external audit of their accounts. As part of this procedure we must publicise our accounts prior to them being audited externally, this year by Grant Thornton.  Please contact the Parish Clerk Clair Wilkinson on 01793 740744 or clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk in the first instance if you would… read more

Stones on public verges

The Parish Council has been advised that if any residents have placed stones and boulders on public grass verges and there is an accident, injury or damage when cutting the grass verges as a result of a stone/boulder then the home owner who placed the stones is liable. Please could you ensure that any stones… read more