Manor House development in Chiseldon

To all residents around the Manor House development – the developers have confirmed the wheel washing machine for the lorries is fully operational so all lorry wheels should be washed before exiting the site. They have already arranged for a street sweeper to come along to remove any mud already left.

City and Country public consultation about Burderop Park

City & Country will be holding a third stage of public consultation on the future of Burderop Park on the 11th October. Local residents are invited to drop in from 3pm-7pm to view the masterplan, layout and landscape proposals, talk to the team and provide feedback.   The event will be held at Burderop Park… read more

Temporary closure of Butts Road for resurfacing work

PUBLIC NOTICE   SWINDON BOROUGH COUNCIL   SECTION 14 – THE ROAD TRAFFIC REGULATION ACT 1984   NOTICE OF TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF BUTTS ROAD, CHISELDON   This Order is being introduced to allow carriageway resurfacing works and the effect with to prevent vehicles from proceeding on Butts Road.   Traffic will be diverted along Marlborough… read more

Last chance to have your say on SBC library consultation

A message from SBC: Dear Stakeholder The consultation on the proposal for the future of Swindon’s library service closes on Friday, 30th September. We welcome and value your feedback on the proposal. If you haven’t had an opportunity to complete the questionnaire, please click on the link below to read all about the proposal and… read more

Work to commence on M4 J16

Please see the attached document for details from Swindon Borough Council on the forthcoming M4 J16 work. communication-from-sbc-on-m4-j16

Chiseldon Parish are looking for a new councillor

Chiseldon Parish Council have a vacancy for a new Parish Councillor If you are interested in serving your community and would like to be actively involved in the future of the Parish then perhaps you could join the Chiseldon Parish Council? We currently have a vacancy and would be delighted to hear from anyone who would… read more

October Parish Transport Report

TRANSPORT REPORT – OCTOBER 2016 Following the change to the X5 service which now only stops on the main road, we have a noticed an increase in people using Service 8 to go into Swindon.  Long may this continue and we would like to see more residents using the bus service.  It is a coincidence… read more

Cycle path petition from Royal Wootton Bassett and Swindon

This local group has asked us to make residents aware of the following petition. (Please note this petition is not created or endorsed by Chiseldon Parish Council) Swindon Bicycle Users Group has started a petition to encourage provision of a dedicated cycle path between Royal Wootton Bassett and Swindon, to avoid dangerous roads and the… read more

Update on Full Council meeting on 12th September

Due to unforeseen circumstances we are unable to have a discussion about the New Road Build Out on Monday 12th September.  We plan to have the discussion at the October full council meeting. Please remember that meeting on the 12th starts at 7.00pm

Full Council meeting on 12th Sept

Parish Clerk update – After receiving extensive legal advice and guidance it will not be possible to hold a public discussion and subsequent Parish Council vote on the New Road Build Out on 12th Sept. This is mainly due to not all required information being available on this date. The Parish Council meeting will therefor… read more

Full Council meeting on 12th Sept update

The full council meeting will still be starting at the earlier time of 7.00pm at the Rec Hall, with a public recess at the start as usual. The last agenda item schedule for 8.00pm will be a discussion on the New Road Build Out.  As usual, all residents are welcome to attend.

Information from the Past and Present Library newsletter

Did you know that the Central Library is the home of Swindon’s fantastic Local Studies collection?   We collect and preserve almost anything that’s ever been written or published about the Borough – including books, newspapers, maps, magazines, CDs, vinyl, postcards – and a HUGE collection of old Swindon photos from the 1850s to the… read more